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Documents containing the term 'Criminal Code'
Angling Adhitya Purbaya, Semarang – Seven environmental activists have been put behind bars for fighting against pollution caused the company PT Rayon Utama Makmur (RUM) in Sukoharjo, Central Java.
An appeal against the sentences is still underway on the grounds that the judges [failed] to heed the facts in reaching the verdict.
Criminal Code Style Revisions
Before, After
Ternate – The group 20 Years of Reformasi, Win Freedom, Equality and Prosperity Committee (Komitmen) held a campaign action commemorating 20 years of reformasi in front of the Gamalama Market in the North Maluku city of Ternate on Monday May 21.
20 years of reformasi: A reminder of the need to win what has yet to be achieved by reformasi – freedom, equality and prosperity.
Long live the workers! Long live the people!
May 1 is symbolic of our struggle against the tyranny of capital and employers who oppress the working class.
Wahyu Amuk, Padang – If Indonesia does not properly address the era of globalisation and modernisation there will be negative impacts with gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) lifestyles, drugs and free sex running rampant, which will destroy the nation’s younger generation.
Eva Safitri, Jakarta – Women activists from a number of different organisations commemorated International Women’s Day (IWD) with demands for equality and opposing discrimination, violence, intolerance and poverty.
Hendra Friana – “I was handcuffed and forced into a vehicle, and all before being shown an arrest warrant”.
22-year-old Muhammad Hisbun Payu related this story to Tirto by phone from the Central Java police headquarters (Mapolda) on Monday March 5.
Putri Puspita, Bandung – In welcoming International Women’s Day (IWD) which falls on March 8, a number of different communities in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung have taken part in the Women’s March action.
Denpasar – “Women united can never be defeated, the women’s movement cannot be stopped”.
This was what was shouted by protesters in the Bali Women’s March under the hash tag #lawanbersama (Fighting Together) during a rally on Car Free Day in the Balinese provincial capital of Denpasar on Sunday morning March 4.
The murder of women or ‘femicide’ was one of the issues taken up by the 2018 Women’s March in Jakarta on Saturday March 3.
Viva democracy and equality!
March 8, 2018, is exactly 118 years since the Women’s Conference in Denmark which set March 8 as International Women’s Day (IWD).
Muhammad Genantan Saputra – Protesters calling themselves the Civil Society Alliance Against the Draft Criminal Code held a rally at the front gate of the House of Representatives (DPR) building on Jl. Gatot Subroto in Central Jakarta on Monday February 12 saying that the RKUHP will trample on democratic principles.
Jakarta (BM) – Protesters calling themselves the Civil Society Alliance Against the Draft Criminal Code (RUU KUHP) held a rally on Monday February 12 in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) rejecting the draft law which they say is anti-democratic.
Robertus Belarminus, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has expressed its appreciation to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein for raising human rights issues during his visit to Indonesia, including the issue of LGBT rights.
Dadang Kurnia, Bambang Noroyono – The sensitive LGBT issue has become a political hot potato following a statement by People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker Zulkifli Hasan.
Ika Ningtyas, Jakarta – Scores of residents in the Pesanggaran sub-district of Banyuwangi, East Java, held a protest action demanding the release of their colleague, Heri Budiawan, who is being tried for spreading communist ideas.
Ika Ningtyas, Banyuwangi – The state prosecutor in a hearing at the Banyuwangi District Court in East Java on January 4 has demanded that activist Heri Budiawan alias Budi Pego be jailed for seven years minus time already spent in detention.
Arif Hulwan Muzayyin, Jakarta – Efforts by the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) and the Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) to set history straight with regard to the alleged September 30 Movement-Indonesian Communist Party (G30S-PKI) coup in 1965 are being seen by some as resurgence of communist ideas and a violation of the law.
Ika Ningtyas, Banyuwangi – Heri Budiawan alias Budi Pego, an activist opposing a gold mine in Banyuwangi, East Java, has been indicted under the draconian anti-communist articles.