Maula M Pelu, Ambon – A number of civil society organisations held a peaceful action at the Leimena traffic circle in Poka Village, Ambon City, on Friday October 11.
Documents containing the term 'Draft Criminal Code'

Han Revanda Putra, Jakarta – Hundreds of indigenous people from various different regions gathered in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building on Friday October 11.

Singgih Wiryono, Krisiandi, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has issued recommendations for improvements to the National Police on the institution's 78th anniversary or Bhayangkara Day commemorations on Monday July 1.

Jakarta – On Tuesday May 28 the House of Representatives (DPR) officially approved a draft law on the third amendment to Law Number 3/2002 on the National Police (Polri) as an initiative proposed by the DPR.

Sonya Hellen Sinombor – Hundreds of women from various women's organisations commemorated International Women's Day (IWD) 2024 by marching from the Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu) offices to the National Monument (Monas) area in Central Jakarta on Friday March 8.

Jakarta – The Labour Movement with the People (GEBRAK) alliance held a demonstration next to the Arjuna Wiwaha or Horse Statue in Central Jakarta on Friday afternoon, March 8, during which hundreds of women workers conveyed their aspirations on International Women's Day (IWD).

Bilal Ramadhan, Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) has responded to Indonesia's latest Corruption Perception Index (CPI) score which was recently released by Transparency International Indonesia (TII).

Denty Piawai Nastitie, Jakarta – Criticism from civil society groups has accompanied agreement by the House of Representatives (DPR) to ratify revisions to the Information and Electronic Transaction (ITE) Law.

Thousands of workers from the Confederation of the All-Indonesian Workers Union (KSPSI) and the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance Confederation (KASBI) rallied in front of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) building on Jalan MH Thamrin in Central Jakarta

Jakarta – Civil society organisations active in the field of humanitarianism, the law and human rights have criticised the use of criminalisation as a method to silence government critics and activists.

Yohanes Liestyo Poerwoto – Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) Deputy Chairperson Anwar Abbas has condemned a statement by Coordinating Minister for Security, Politics and Legal Affairs Mahfud MD who said that being Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (

Neti Istimewa Rukmana, Yogya – Dozens of students from various different universities that are part of the International Women's Day (IWD) alliance articulated the 2023 IWD Manifesto during an action at the Malioboro shopping district in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on March 8.

Rumondang Naibaho, Jakarta – A demonstration commemorating International Women's Day (IWD) near the Arjuna Horse Statue in Central Jakarta on March 8 became heated after police prevented protesters from approaching the State Palace.

A. Syalaby Ichsan, Jakarta – The sudden emergence of regional governments planning to enact anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) regulations (Perda) has drawn scorn from LGBT rights activist Hartoyo.

Adhyasta Dirgantara, Jakarta – Indonesian Legal Aid and Human Rights Association (PBHI) Chairperson Julius Ibrani says that law enforcement officials have a special team tasked with criminalising critical and opposition groups in Indonesia.

Jakarta – The Bandung Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) has revealed that scores of demonstrators protesting against the recently enacted Criminal Code (KUHP) in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung were arrested by police on Thursday afternoon, December 15.

Reza Agustian, Jakarta – Protesters from the Labour Party and other trade unions held a demonstration near the Arjuna Wijaya or Horse Statue in Central Jakarta on Thursday December 15.

Rahmat W. Nugraha, Jakarta – The Press Council says that 60 percent of their input provided before the enactment of the Draft Criminal Court (RKUHP) was ignored by the House of Representatives (DPR).

Jakarta – Indonesia's peak Islamic body the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) has criticised the position taken by the United State which has strongly criticised one of the articles in the recently enacted Criminal Code (KUHP) that regulates cohabitation and sex outside of marriage.

Jakarta – Since 2019 the government and the House of Representatives (DPR) have often given the impression of rushing to pass the Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) into law.