Jakarta – The Mining Advocacy Network (Jatam) says that the presence of retired Indonesian military (TNI) and police generals in mining companies is ridden with conflicts of interest. It is suspected that their presence also results in favouritism in the handling of conflicts between the mining industry and local communities.
Documents containing the term 'Prima'
Jakarta – A non-government organisation focusing on mining in South-East Asia, Transforming Energy and Development (Trend Asia), is urging the government to reveal detailed information on mining contracts in Indonesia. Trend Asia representative Ahmad Ashov made the call on International Right To Know Day which fell on September 28.
Wahyu Setiawan, Jakarta – Civil society organisation activists held a protest action in front of the offices of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).
Klojen (Surya Malang) – Journalists in the East Java city of Malang held a peaceful action at the Freedom Square to commemorate International Press Freedom Day on Friday May 3. This year’s action was different from those held in previous years.
Andita Rahma, Jakarta – Two journalists from Tempo – photo journalist Prima Mulia and a freelance journalist Iqbal Kusumadireza – were assaulted by police when they were covering the commemoration of International Labour Day in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung on May 1.
Prima Gumilang, Jakarta – As many as 44 members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) and several other organisations were arrested on Wednesday April 4 and are now being detained at the Jayapura municipal police headquarters (Mapolres).
Prima Gumilang, Jakarta – A sweeping action (raid) by the Islamic Defenders Militia (Laskar Pembela Islam, LPI) has ended in a clash with residents of Pamekasan on Madura Island in East Java. Local people resisted the raid which resulted in 10 people being injured including housewives and children.
Prima Gumilang, Jakarta – The Internationale was sung at the close of a commemoration of International Labour Day or May Day in Jakarta. Thousands of workers from the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance (KASBI) sang the song which was popularised by followers of socialism in the 19th century.
Putra Prima Perdana, Bandung – The coordinator of the Bandung Kulon chapter of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Tubagus Abbas Murodi, has admitted that the FPI conducted a sweep of boarding houses in the Bandung Kulon area.
Putra Prima Perdana, Bandung – Voices of protest against the Draft Law on Mass Organisations (RUU Ormas) have again been taken up by students.
Putra Prima Perdana, Bandung – Shouts of “Free Papua” resounded from a megaphone belonging to the Papuan Students Alliance (AMP) in the midst of a demonstration by hundreds of workers commemorating International Labour Day in front of the Gedung Sate governor’s office in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung on Wednesday May 1.
Putra Prima Perdana, Bandung – Commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD) 2013, some 150 workers, the majority of which were women from the Independent Trade Union Federation (FSPM) and the Bango Soy Sauce Independent Trade Union, held a protest action in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung on Friday March 8.
Moksa Hutasoit, Jakarta – For the start of the week, Jakarta and surrounding areas will again be treated to widespread demonstrations, with five protest actions being held at a number of different locations.
Man: It sank over there, why are you looking here?
Man with torch: Divine wisdom...
Jakarta – In the lead up to the 2009 general elections, the House of Representatives (DPR) Special Committee on the 1997/1998 Abduction of Activists has been revived again.
Rafiqa Qurrata A, Jakarta – Jakarta and nearby Bekasi will be coloured by protest actions today, Wednesday April 16, with six different groups of protesters voicing their aspirations between 7am and 5pm.
Nala Edwin, Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) is calling on the government to find the 13 missing activists who were abducted between 1996-1998 and whose fates are still unknown.