Kid: Politicians don't have to set a good example right Dad?
Documents containing the term 'UI'
Man: An amnesty... Mr it sounds to me like it'll reduce me to poverty
Kid: He's confused
Sleman – The oppression experienced by the Palestinians under the Israeli occupation has attracted the concern and solidarity of the international community.
A number of protest actions have been held calling for independence for the Palestine nation, such as the one held by students in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta.
Tribunners – House of Representatives (DPR) Commission X member Anang Hermansyah is questioning the excessive behaviour of security personnel in securing a Superman is Dead (SID) concert at the State Senior High School (SMAN) 1 in Tabanan, Bali, on Saturday August 20.
Ignoring widespread calls for an independent inquiry following allegations by executed drug convict Freddy Budiman that the National Police, National Narcotics Agency and the military were involved in running his operations, which was revealed on social media by rights activist Haris Azhar who they have subsequently reported to police on charges
Melbourne – Gadjah Mada University (UGM) historian Dr Abdul Wahid has put forward a hypothesis that intellectual genocide occurred in Indonesian tertiary education institutions following the 1965 affair.
This was marked with the dismissal and exclusion of thousands of lecturers and students who were accused of being leftist.
Man: Fake vaccines, fake graves, fake garbage, fake diplomas, fake duty stamps, fax police officers, fake religious tolerance, fake health care and social security, fake love...
Kid: What's the only thing guaranteed not to be fake? Bribe money!!
Man: Meaning less talk, more work... (Music sheet reads: 'Working Cabinet II')
Anggi Kusumadewi, Jakarta – Animal names and racist insults could be heard shouted at midday on Friday July 15. The shouts originated from members of social organisations besieging the Kamasan I Papua student dormitory on Jalan Kusumanegara in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta.
Shinta Maharani, Yogyakarta – Students and activists at the Papuan student dormitory in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta have been besieged by hundreds of security personnel from the Yogyakarta regional police and the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) paramilitary police.
Kid: Best wishes for Idul Fitri! Sorry... but next month... will you still be reflecting on your life Mr? (Mirror reads 'fraternity')
Kid: He's inhuman isn't he Mom? (sign reads Food and Drug Monitoring Agency)
Bastian Tebai, Yogyakarta – Every year July 1 is commemorated by Papuans as West Papua proclamation day. The proclamation was read out at the Victoria Headquarters in Waris Village, Jayapura, in 1971.
Silvanus Alvin, Jakarta – President Joko Widodo or Jokowi attended a fast breaking event with TNI (Indonesian military) officers at the TNI’s headquarters in Cilangkap, Jakarta, where he took the opportunity to reaffirm that he will not apologies to former members of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).
Man: You have to be sensitive in reading the 'signs of nature' so you don't fumble around and get fatalistic
Kid: Political beef trading (horse trading) is rampant, so why's beef so expensive Dad?
Table: Reshuffle, a ministerial post?, Power, Election Law
Woman: Imagine if our child was the victim! (Headline reads: Pro-Contra Chemical Castration)
Jakarta – The presence of activists and academics within Presidential Palace circles are often considered an opportunity to push for democratic reform in the bureaucracy.
Muslim AR, Jakarta – Former Army Strategic Reserves Command (green berets) Chief of Staff Major General Kivlan Zen made a surprising statement during the anti-PKI symposium not long ago. He said that the PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) will soon be revived and that it already has an office in the Senen area of Central Jakarta.