Jakarta – Islamic Defenders Front’s (FPI) leader and patron Rizieq Shihab rode atop one of the command vehicles during the mass demonstrations against Jakarta Governor Basuki “Ahok” Tjahaja Purnama in Jakarta on Friday November 4.
Documents containing the term 'UI'
Ternate – Police claim that demands raised by the Pro-Democracy Social Movement (Gema Pro-Demkrat) during a rally in Ternate, North Maluku to commemorate Youth Pledge Day on October 28 were an act of treason.
Kid: Where's the result of two years work? We're still poor!
Man: Patience... you want to get rich in an instant? Hurry off and see a mystic who can multiply banknotes...
Aditya Mardiastuti, Nusa Dua – Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has emphasised that the sovereignty of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) cannot be challenged.
Ryacudu made the remark at a meeting with Australian government representatives during the 2+2 Meeting in Bali on Friday October 28.
Jakarta – Using the momentum of Youth Pledge Day on Friday October 28, the Student Struggle Center for National Liberation (Pembebasan) held commemorations to mark the historic day in Jakarta and other cities around the country.
Jakarta action
M Andika Putra, Jakarta – Some 27 victims of human rights violence from the ‘65 Forum visited the Social Affairs Ministry (Kemensos) to convey their opposition to former President Suharto being made a national hero.
From an op-ed piece title 'Robbing your own country'
With only around 10% of government spending being allocated to maintain and repair the country's dilapidated irrigation systems and improve farmers' capacity by providing farm equipment, seed and fertilizers, President Widodo's much touted goal of making Indonesia self-sufficient in food production and end its dependency on imports (Impor) is fa
Poso – The Central Sulawesi Indonesian People’s Center for Struggle (PPRI) held a free speech forum at the Clock traffic circle in Poso city on Wednesday October 19.
Kid: Heating up the campaign right Dad? (stove reads 'black campaigns', matches read 'ethnic, religion, race, and inter-group inspired conflict'.
Having emasculated the Corruption Eradication Commission, the only state institution to have proven itself effective in aggressively pursuing corrupt officials, judges, generals and politicians, by suspending its most aggressive commissioners and replacing them with more 'compliant' chiefs in February, President Widodo's announcement of a new ta
Cianjur – Scores of workers employed at the beverage company PT Tirta Sukses Perkasa in Cianjur, West Java, are calling for an end to the involvement of the TNI (Indonesian military) in an industrial dispute they are currently embroiled in.
Man in Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) prison jacket: He he he... I can duplicate real money without having any mystical powers (ilmu ga'ib)
Yogya – An event organised by the MAP Corner-Klub MKP in the lobby of the Public Administration Master’s Program at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta proceeded in an unexpected manner on Tuesday October 4.
Kid: Democracy isn't just for short-term political interests and power, right Dad?
Man: It shouldn't be!
Jakarta – On Wednesday September 14 the Social Movement for Democracy (GEMA Demokrasi) called on Facebook to take responsibility for revisions to the 2008 Electronic Information and Transactions (UU ITE). This is because of the many internet and Facebook social media users that have been indicted under the law.
Man: The mistake was selecting them [as candidates] Mr! (Hats read: governor, regent, mayor, political dynasty, Rp)
The international playoff match in the Central Java city of Solo on September 6 didn’t just result in a 3-0 victory by Indonesia over Malaysia.
Surya Anta – Increasingly broad mobilisations by the Papuan people in recent years shows that there must be a new assessment of West Papuan as an entity. An entity that should be, must be, recognised as a nation.