Today, Thursday March 8, is commemorated as International Women’s Day (IWD). IWD action coordinator Jumisih said that the women’s should not be banned from wearing an Islamic veil on campus.
Documents containing the term 'women workers'

Elise Dwi Ratnasari, Jakarta – There were still traces left over from the rain earlier in the morning. Although it was cloudy, it still felt hot under the intense heat of the sun.
Not many protesters had gathered yet but the enthusiasm shown by the women from various different organisations and backgrounds was already ablaze.

Anom Prihantoro, Jakarta – International Women’s Day (IWD), which was commemorated in Jakarta on Thursday, demanded equality for women in all spheres of life, including the workplace.

Eva Safitri, Jakarta – Women activists from a number of different organisations commemorated International Women’s Day (IWD) with demands for equality and opposing discrimination, violence, intolerance and poverty.

Putri Puspita, Bandung – In welcoming International Women’s Day (IWD) which falls on March 8, a number of different communities in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung have taken part in the Women’s March action.

Puput Tripeni Juniman, Jakarta – In the lead up to International Women’s Day (IWD), around 1 thousand people gathered in Jakarta on the morning of Saturday March 3 to hold the 2nd Jakarta Women’s March.

The murder of women or ‘femicide’ was one of the issues taken up by the 2018 Women’s March in Jakarta on Saturday March 3.

Viva democracy and equality!
March 8, 2018, is exactly 118 years since the Women’s Conference in Denmark which set March 8 as International Women’s Day (IWD).

Muhyiddin, Jakarta – Activist and writer Taufik Ismail says that although the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) no longer exists in Indonesia it is currently starting to be revived in order to take revenge for the defeat of the PKI in 1965.

Bekasi – The Populist Democratic Trade Union (Serikat Buruh Demokratik Kerakyatan, SEDAR) held a mass meeting attended by more than 400 members on Sunday March 4. The meeting was held to prepare for International Women’s Day (IWD) which falls on March 8.

Muhammad Genantan Saputra – Protesters calling themselves the Civil Society Alliance Against the Draft Criminal Code held a rally at the front gate of the House of Representatives (DPR) building on Jl. Gatot Subroto in Central Jakarta on Monday February 12 saying that the RKUHP will trample on democratic principles.

Mukhlis, Lhoksukon, Aceh – Early on Sunday police and wilayatul hisbah (WH, sharia police) detained 12 transgender women (waria) from a number of beauty salons in North Aceh regency in a ‘Community Disease Operation’.

Prima Gumilang, Jakarta – A sweeping action (raid) by the Islamic Defenders Militia (Laskar Pembela Islam, LPI) has ended in a clash with residents of Pamekasan on Madura Island in East Java. Local people resisted the raid which resulted in 10 people being injured including housewives and children.

Alpen Martinus, Tondano – Scores of Manado State University (Unima) students from the Student Struggle Centre for National Liberation (Pembebasan), the Minahasa Progressive Women and individual pro-democracy activist held a solidarity action at the Unima main gate on Monday November 27.

Tris Jumali, Yogya – Hundreds of students from the National Student Front (FMN) and the People’s Struggle Front (FPR) held a long-march from the Abu Bakar Ali parking area to the Yogyakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) building in the centre of the Central Java city on Wednesday March 8.

Almost 1 thousand women workers from the IndustriALL Indonesia Council Women’s Committee commemorated International Women’s Day (IWD) along the length of the road in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Jakarta on Wednesday March 8.

Yulius Martony, Bali – Papuan students, Ahmadiyah housewives and National Student Front (FMN) activists under the banner of the Bali Women’s Alliance (APB) commemorated International Women’s Day (IWD) with a rally in front of the Bali governor’s office on Wednesday March 8.

Jakarta – Several trade unions gathered in front of the House of Representatives (DPR) building on Jl. Subroto in Jakarta on Wednesday to demand their rights in the context of commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD) which falls on March 8.

Edzan Raharjo, Yogyakarta – International Women’s Day in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta was commemorated by several different organisations with a long-march through the Jl. Malioboro shopping district.

Jogja – Hundreds of workers from various trade unions in the Central Java province of Yogyakarta commemorated International Labour Day or May Day by declaring the formation of a mass organisation called “The House of the Indonesian People” during a rally in the centre of Yogyakarta city on May 1.