Shinta Maharani, Yogyakarta – Hundreds of informal sector workers from the Yogyakarta People’s and Worker Alliance (ARPY) called for the protection to ensure the rights of home-based and domestic workers and the fulfillment social guarantees by the Social Security Management Agency (BPJS).
Documents containing the term 'women workers'

Bandung – Workers in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung from the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance (KASBI) protested at the city hall on Tuesday March 8 demanding equal wages for women workers, the abolition of outsourcing and prosperity for workers.

Jakarta – The Indonesian Women’s Parade of Struggle held an action in Central Jakarta on March 8 to commemorate International Women’s Day (IWD).

The Indonesian People’s Center of Struggle (PPRI) has re-launched the Women’s Struggle Committee of the People (KPPR, Komite Perjuangan Perempuan Rakyat), which had begun to die down over the last few years, to coincide with the momemntum of commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD) which for the last 100 years has been commemorated on March

Bekasi – Thousands of workers who were gathered at the East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) in Cikarang in the Bekasi regency of West Java were forcibly disbursed by police on Wednesday November 25.

Karawang – Around 3,000 workers from the Karawang district branch of the Fraternity of Indonesian Muslim Workers (PPMI) organised a convoy in the West Java industrial zone on Wednesday November 11. This was a warm-up action in the lead up to a ‘stop production’ action rejecting Government Regulation Number 78/2015 (PP 78/2015) on Wages.

Bandung – More than 3,000 workers demonstrated in front of the governor’s office at the Gedung Sate building in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung demanding that companies pay more attention to their rights, particularly the rights of women workers.

Edzan Raharjo, Yogyakarta – International Labour Day in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta was commemorated by thousands of workers from various different organisations who came together under the “People’s Movement” (Gerakan Rakyat) to hold a rally in the Malioboro shopping district on Friday May 1.

Makassar – In commemorating May Day 2015, a number of different organisations from the group People’s Solidarity (SORAK) held a peaceful rally underneath the Jl. Jenderal Urip Sumoharjo overpass in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar on Friday May 1.

Khaerur Reza, Yogya – Because of the great many government policies that fail to side with women, women are still treated second-class citizens and only identified by the kitchen, the bed and washing.

Jakarta – International Women’s Day (IWD) was commemorated by various different elements of society who held a demonstration in the vicinity of the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Sunday March 8.

Jakarta – Commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD), scores of workers from the International Women’s Day United Struggle Committee (KPPIWD) held a protest action at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Sunday March 8.

Jakarta – Around 10,000 workers from 30 labour federations that make up the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance (KASBI) Confederation held a demonstration at the Hotel Indonesia (HI) traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Monday afternoon.

Surya Mujib Anwar, Surabaya – Demonstrators from a number of different groups in East Java have begun arriving at the grounds of Governor Suryo in front of the State Grahadi building in the provincial capital of Surabaya on Thursday May 1.

Idham Khalid, Jakarta – Workers from the National Trade Union Confederation (KSN) held a theatrical action at the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Senayan, Jakarta, on Thursday May 1. The action was held in the context of the fight for workers’ rights who they believe have yet to enjoy a decent life.

Atmi Pertiwi, Jakarta – Labour demonstrations have not just taken place in the main streets of the capital.

Sasmito Madrim, Jakarta – Hundreds of women demonstrated in the vicinity of the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta to commemorate International Women’s Day today on Saturday March 8.

Ali Akhmad, Jakarta – As many as 29 women’s community groups from the Indonesian Women’s Action Committee (KAPI) commemorated 20 years since the murder of Marsinah by holding a candlelight vigil at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on the evening of May 8.

Achmad Faizal, Surabaya – Scores of women workers from various different groups in East Java held an action on Wednesday May 8 in the provincial capital of Surabaya to commemorate 20 years since the death of Marsinah, a women worker who was murdered on May 8, 1993.