
December 2023

Kompas Newspaper – December 20, 2023

Man with PPATK (the anti-money laundering agency) on shirt: It's a bit suspicious isn't it?

Signs read "Fully investigate road" and "High political costs road".

Ahead of the 2024 legislative and presidential elections, the problem of high political costs in Indonesia has again come to the fore.

Kompas Newspaper – December 6, 2023

1st Man: Hopefully they'll be lots of meat in it, not just stock.

2nd Man: Let alone a spokesperson.

Woman: A spokesperson?

2nd Woman: Hey, let them debate first.

November 2023

Kompas Newspaper – November 22, 2023

Man: Lest the elections become sorrowful and troubled (A play on the acronym Pemilu meaning election and the word Pilu meaning sorrowful, unhappy, anxious, troubled or very sad).

Tentacle reads "Presidential election legal uncertainty"

Kompas Newspaper – November 15, 2023

Woman: Don't look left, don't look right, let alone give a "code"... you must stay neutral Mr.

Man (with "No practical politics" written on back): A message for village heads, right?

Man (with ASN on back): A message for us too!

Cartoons/Indonesia – November 8, 2023

From an oped piece in by Sandro Gatra titled The loss of exemplary national leaders..

Cartoons/Indonesia – November 6, 2023

From an oped piece by Sandro Gatra titled "Political Dynasties and the Betrayal of Democracy".

"Whoever plays with power will be crushed by their own power because there is no everlasting and eternal power" – Chester Barnard.

Kompas Newspaper – November 1, 2023

Background writing reads: Corruption eradication, employment opportunities, education, environment, economy, integrity

Documents held by people read: CV legislative candidate (caleg) whatever party, how to become a caleg

October 2023

Cartoons/Indonesia – October 23, 2023

Bagus Santosa, Jakarta – A Kompas Research & Development (Litbang Kompas) survey for the period October 2023 found that the public's views are divided when asked about prohibiting political dynasties.

Kompas Newspaper – October 18, 2023

Although Indonesian's are used to the unethical and opportunistic behaviour of their corrupt and nepotistic politicians, many were still taken aback by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's blatant use of family connections to further his political ambitions.

Kompas Newspaper – October 1, 2023

Woman: If the water's dirty how can you wash it clean?