Woman: Hey Mr you’re all grown up, how come you’re still being spoon fed? (Arm band read ‘Sting Operation’)
A play on the word ‘suap’ which means both ‘spoon feed’ as well as ‘a bribe’ and ‘to bribe’.
Woman: Hey Mr you’re all grown up, how come you’re still being spoon fed? (Arm band read ‘Sting Operation’)
A play on the word ‘suap’ which means both ‘spoon feed’ as well as ‘a bribe’ and ‘to bribe’.
Lawmakers: Freeze the KPK, we strengthened the KPK so why the OTT, delay the legal process...
Kid (speaking to President Widodo): Dogs bark when a caravan goes by right Mr?
Teacher: Now children, this is what used to be called a farmer (plaque reads: already threatened with extinct)
Kid: Someone’s throwing stones but hiding the hand... (to do something then deny responsibility for it)
Man: And a hidden face!
eKTP: (mafia + House inquiry) + witness/incredible x acid attack.(J. Marliem suicide) + ? {sluggish police investigation} + KPK = ? xyz
Kid holding ice box: Don’t, don’t...
Indonesia’s opportunistic politicians – always on the lookout for some way to bolster their nationalistic credentials – have accused Malaysia of waging a ‘psy-war’ against Indonesia following a misprint (for which Malaysia has offered an official apology) in which the Indonesian flag was printed upside down in the promotional materials distribut
Man: Democracy gone too far?
Kid: They’re high on drugs Dad...
Politicians: Freedom. Suits read: Fake news, utter nonsense, blasphemers, provocateur, accusations and judgments, sewing divisions.
The House of Representatives’ budget committee is claiming ignorance over an alleged plan to increase the House’s budget allocation and use some of it to construct a new building.
Kid: Dad, no need to listen... the public will decide!
According to a report by Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), sixty-one village heads across Indonesia were arrested in 62 different corruption cases in 2016.