
September 2017

Kompas – September 20, 2017

Woman: Hey Mr you’re all grown up, how come you’re still being spoon fed? (Arm band read ‘Sting Operation’)

A play on the word ‘suap’ which means both ‘spoon feed’ as well as ‘a bribe’ and ‘to bribe’.

Kompas – September 16, 2017

Lawmakers: Freeze the KPK, we strengthened the KPK so why the OTT, delay the legal process...

Kid (speaking to President Widodo): Dogs bark when a caravan goes by right Mr?

Kompas – September 6, 2017

Teacher: Now children, this is what used to be called a farmer (plaque reads: already threatened with extinct)

Kompas – September 2, 2017

Kid: Someone’s throwing stones but hiding the hand... (to do something then deny responsibility for it)

Man: And a hidden face!

August 2017

Kompas – August 26, 2017

eKTP: (mafia + House inquiry) + witness/incredible x acid attack.(J. Marliem suicide) + ? {sluggish police investigation} + KPK = ? xyz

Kid holding ice box: Don’t, don’t...

Kompas – August 23, 2017

Indonesia’s opportunistic politicians – always on the lookout for some way to bolster their nationalistic credentials – have accused Malaysia of waging a ‘psy-war’ against Indonesia following a misprint (for which Malaysia has offered an official apology) in which the Indonesian flag was printed upside down in the promotional materials distribut

Kompas – August 19, 2017

Man: Democracy gone too far?

Kid: They’re high on drugs Dad...

Politicians: Freedom. Suits read: Fake news, utter nonsense, blasphemers, provocateur, accusations and judgments, sewing divisions.

Kompas – August 16, 2017

The House of Representatives’ budget committee is claiming ignorance over an alleged plan to increase the House’s budget allocation and use some of it to construct a new building.

Kompas – August 12, 2017

Kid: Dad, no need to listen... the public will decide!

Kompas – August 9, 2017

According to a report by Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW), sixty-one village heads across Indonesia were arrested in 62 different corruption cases in 2016.