
September 2012

Kompas – September 1, 2012

Puppets: Violence... horizontal clashes!

Man: Disregarding a phenomena that keeps repeating itself... that’s a failed republic

Kid: No it’s not Dad... it’s a prosperous republic postponed!

August 2012

Kompas – August 29, 2012

Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: The national motto, Unity in Diversity

1st Man: The law must be enforced firmly and fairly...

2nd Man: Yeah, give an example

Kompas – August 25, 2012

Carpet reads: Remissions

Man: It’s not favouritism, or is it favouritism, or favouring the rich, or good conduct?

Kompas – August 15, 2012

Man at back of bus: Freedom!

Kompas – August 11, 2012

National Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo: Where’s your driver’s license!

Man: In this case you can be sure it not just prit-jigo (when a cop blows a whistle then asks for a bribe)

Kompas – August 8, 2012

Man: Give it a wash first so its clean...

July 2012

Kompas – July 25, 2012

Man: It’s just a parcel... where’s the tempeh?

Official: We are not a tempeh nation

Man: Then what kind of nation are we? A parcel nation...

Kompas – July 21, 2012

Poker machine reads: Election of Regional heads

Man: Jackpot democracy...

Kompas – July 11, 2012

Agrarian rights activists say that the government’s policy of trade liberalisation and implementing an almost zero-tariff policy has led to a flood of imported food into the country and is impoverishing more than 44 million farmers who depend upon the land for their survival.

Kompas – July 7, 2012

The “Lapindo(s) Beauty Spa” as it is jokingly called, referring to the massive Lapindo mud flow disaster in East Java blamed on drilling by a company linked to Golkar Party chairperson and business tycoon Aburizal Bakrie (right), continues to dog his 2014 presidential ambitions with two victims receiving widespread media coverage as they near th