Puppets: Violence... horizontal clashes!
Man: Disregarding a phenomena that keeps repeating itself... that’s a failed republic
Kid: No it’s not Dad... it’s a prosperous republic postponed!
Puppets: Violence... horizontal clashes!
Man: Disregarding a phenomena that keeps repeating itself... that’s a failed republic
Kid: No it’s not Dad... it’s a prosperous republic postponed!
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: The national motto, Unity in Diversity
1st Man: The law must be enforced firmly and fairly...
2nd Man: Yeah, give an example
Carpet reads: Remissions
Man: It’s not favouritism, or is it favouritism, or favouring the rich, or good conduct?
National Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo: Where’s your driver’s license!
Man: In this case you can be sure it not just prit-jigo (when a cop blows a whistle then asks for a bribe)
Man: Give it a wash first so its clean...
Man: It’s just a parcel... where’s the tempeh?
Official: We are not a tempeh nation
Man: Then what kind of nation are we? A parcel nation...
Poker machine reads: Election of Regional heads
Man: Jackpot democracy...
Agrarian rights activists say that the government’s policy of trade liberalisation and implementing an almost zero-tariff policy has led to a flood of imported food into the country and is impoverishing more than 44 million farmers who depend upon the land for their survival.
The “Lapindo(s) Beauty Spa” as it is jokingly called, referring to the massive Lapindo mud flow disaster in East Java blamed on drilling by a company linked to Golkar Party chairperson and business tycoon Aburizal Bakrie (right), continues to dog his 2014 presidential ambitions with two victims receiving widespread media coverage as they near th