On Monday May 8, Coordinating Minister for Politics, Security and Legal Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Wiranto, Justice and Human Rights Minister (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly, Home Affairs Minister (Mendagri) Tjahjo Kumolo and National Police Chief (Kapolri) General Tito Karnavia issued a statement at the security affairs ministry on the dissolution of th
Hard-Line & Militia Groups
Displaying 101-110 of 174 Articles
July 2017
June 2017
Lady Justice: I’m the one that should cover my eyes! (T-shirt read ‘Persecution’)
January 2017
Armed Forces (TNI) chief General Gatot Nurmantyo says that the TNI is still looking into whether or not the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) can be categorised as a social organisation (Ormas) that is anti-Pancasila.
The Islamic Defenders Front’s (FPI) Banten Regional Representatives Council (DPD) held State Defence Preliminary Training (PPBN) in the Lebak regency of Banten, West Java, on Thursday January 5.
May 2016
Siswanto, Welly Hidayat – Islamic demonstrators have protested against the 3rd Asean Literary Festival (ALF) 2016 which is to be held today Thursday May 5 at the Ismail Marzuki Cultural Centre in Central Jakarta.
February 2016
Shinta Maharani, Jakarta – Hundreds of pro-democracy activists were threatened and intimidated by intolerant groups when they held a peaceful protest action at a square alongside the McDonalds fast-food restaurant near the Tugu Monument in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Tuesday February 23.
December 2015
Yogyakarta – Coinciding with the anniversary of the Free Papua Movement (OPM), some 29 mass organisations (ormas) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta declared the formation of the Jogya Anti-Separatist Front (Front Jogja Anti Separatis, FJAS) on the grounds of the Yogyakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD DIY).
August 2015
Hery H Winarno – Hundreds of people took to the streets to demonstrate in front of the Grahadi building in the East Java provincial capital of Surabaya on the afternoon of Thursday August 13. During the action, the protesters also set fire to red hammer-and-sickle flags.
Finally, in the midst of rumours about the rise of the new PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) during the era of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, a delegation from the Central Advisory Board of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) met with the Jakarta Military Commander (Pangdam Jaya) Major General Agus Sutomo at the Jakarta Regional Military Command H
July 2015
Bogor (Suara Islam Online) – The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) has issued a firm warning to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo not to provide space for the reemergence of communism in Indonesia.