Jayapura – The Papuan people reject a plan by the acting Jayapura regent Purnomo Triwarno to move the grave of Papuan independence leader and national hero Dortheys Hiyo Eluay.
Displaying 281-290 of 5065 Articles
May 2024
Susilo Yekti – The increase in Single Tuition Fees (UKT) at a number of state universities (PTN) has and triggered a wave of protests by students and attracted attention from many parties who say that the increase is not pro-education.
Agung Sandy Lesmana, Dea Hardiningsih Irianto – The Musicians Coalition for Gaza held a demonstration in front of the United States Embassy in Central Jakarta on Friday May 10 as a form of protest against the situation in Rafah, Palestine.
Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia is urging the police to release a number of high-school students who were arrested for wearing Morning Star independence flag attributes during a parade in Nabire, Central Papua.
Wiji Nur Hayat, Jakarta – PT Spays Bata Ltd. (Bata) has been forced to closed down one of its shoe factories in Purwakarta, West Java. The impact of this policy is that as many as 233 employees or workers will be sacked immediately and no longer work for the factory.
Bandung – The academic community from two universities in Bandung – the Aisyiyah University Bandung (Unisa) and the Muhammadiyah University Bandung (UMB) held a defend Palestine action in front of the Sate building in Bandung city, West Java, on the afternoon of Tuesday May 7.
Surabaya – The Surabaya Muhammadiyah University (UM) academic community held a defend Palestine action on the campus grounds on Tuesday May 7 in which lectures and students were united wearing black clothing and carrying Palestinian flags.
Jakarta – The Jakarta Muhammadiyah University (UMJ) academic community held a defend Palestine action at the UMJ Plaza in Jakarta on Tuesday May 7.
Solo – The Muhammadiyah University Surakarta (UMS) in Central Java held a peaceful defend Palestine rally on the grounds of the Siti Walidah Campus 2 main building on Tuesday May 7. The action was joined by thousands of campus residents ranging from the chancellor to lecturers, university employees and students.
Jakarta – The South Sulawesi (Sulsel) Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi) says that the suspected reason for the flash flood and landslide disaster in Luwu regency is because the forest cover on Mount Latimojong has declined significantly.