Riang Karunianidi – On Monday August 20, the Constitutional Court found in favour of a lawsuit submitted by the Labour Party and the Indonesian People's Wave Party (Gelora) on the Regional Elections Law (UU Pilkada).
Political Parties & Elections
Displaying 21-30 of 125 Articles
August 2024
Jakarta – The Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) and the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) have called on the public to consolidate and prepare for civil disobedience.
Novali Panji Nugroho, Jakarta – Activists from the 98 Resistance Forum have come together to voice their anxieties about the quality of democracy in the era of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo.
Adhyasta Dirgantara, Diamanty Meiliana, Jakarta – Two senior officials from president elect Prabowo Subianto's Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), Executive Director Sufmi Dasco Ahmad and Gerindra Deputy Chairperson
Jakarta – The Jakarta Regional Leadership Board (DPW) of the People's Justice and Prosperity Party (Prima) held a regional conference at the Sunter Sports Centre in North Jakarta on Sunday August 4.
May 2024
[From an oped piece in Kompas.com by Sandro Gatra titled "The political gimmicks of regional head candidates".
Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo, Jakarta – President elect Prabowo Subianto has dismissed concerns by many parties about his leadership of the next administration related to his track record while still serving in the TNI (Indonesian military).
Rizky Adha Mahendra, Jakarta – Protesters at an International Labor Day or May Day action near the Horse Statue in Central Jakarta set fire to two giant posters that had earlier been displayed during the demonstration.
April 2024
Novianti Setuningsih, Jakarta – Forum of Concerned Citizens for Indonesia's Parliament (Formappi) researcher Lucius Karus says that the regeneration by the political parties is just a camouflage because it is done for the sake of creating political
Fitria Chusna Farisa, Jakarta – The findings of a study by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) shows that the number of female legislative candidates (candidates) who have the potential to qualify as members of the national House of Representatives (DPR) in the