Yance Agapa, Jayapura – Responding to the United Nation's 2021 annual report, Indonesia has launched a criticism of the UN in relation to cases of human rights violations in Papua.
West Papua 2021
December 2021
Yance Agapa, Jayapura – The Papuan people reject the investigation team formed by the state through the Attorney General's Office (AGO) to investigate alleged gross human rights violations in Paniai on December 8, 2004.
Reiner Brabar, Jayapura – Throughout the leadership of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo, the agenda of upholding human rights has not seen any change. One of the indicators of this is the failure to resolve cases of past gross human rights violations in Papua.
Arnold Belau, Jayapura – Coinciding with the commemoration of International Human Rights Day on December 10, the Jayapura city Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) have launched the Papua Legal Aid Association for the Press (Perkumpulan Bantuan Hukum Pers Tanah Papua, PBHPTP).
Reiner Brabar, Aimas – Supporting the regional government's plan to revoke the business permits of three palm oil companies, at least 53 organisations have decided to spend the night at the Sorong Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) office in West Papua province.
Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) is urging the Attorney General's Office (AGO) investigation team which is to investigate alleged gross human rights violations during the Paniai incident in Papua to question former TNI (Indonesian military) chief Moeldoko.
Dhias Suwandi – Eight youths have been declared suspects on charges of makar (treason, subversion, rebellion) for flying the Morning Star flag at the Cenderawasih Sports Centre in Jayapura city, Papua, on Wednesday December 1.
The Morning Star is a symbol used as a flag by the Free Papua Organisation (OPM).
Jakarta – The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has revealed that scores out of the 23 organisations referred to by the government as armed criminal groups (KKB) in Papua want peaceful dialogue. Komnas HAM Chairperson Ahmad Taufan Damanik said that the commission heard this directly for themselves when they visited Papua.
Ambon – A demonstration by scores of Papuan students commemorating 60 years of West Papua independence in the city of Ambon, Maluku province on Wednesday December 1, ended in chaos after it was forcibly broken up by police.
Sui Suadnyana, Denpasar – A protest action by the Bali City Committee Papua Student Alliance (AMP-KKB) and the Indonesian People's Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) in the Balinese provincial capital of Denpasar on Wednesday December 1 ended in a clash with a social organisation (ormas) called the Nusantara Garuda Patriots (PGN).
Agung Sandy Lesmana – The Metro Jaya regional police have rerouted traffic and closed off Jalan Merdeka Utara and traffic in the direction of Gambir train station due a rally by Papuan protesters in Central Jakarta.
Dhias Suwandi, Jayapura – Police have arrested seven youths – along with an eighth who recorded the action – who raised the Morning Star flag on the grounds of the Cenderawasih Sports Centre (GOR) in Jayapura city on Wednesday December 1.
The Cenderawasih Sports Centre is located next the Papua regional police headquarters.
November 2021
Jakarta – The Papua Council of Churches says that the Indonesian government is still choosing the path of violence in dealing with the armed conflict in Papua.
Arnold Belau, Jayapura – On November 15 the Papua Institute for Human Rights Studies and Advocacy (ELSHAM Papua) sent an open letter to President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo expressing concerns about the current situation in the land of Papua.
Jayapura – "Since it was first established on November 19, 2008, the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) has always been confronted by many challenges including attempts at criminalisation and disbandment by the state through the institutions of the TNI [Indonesian military] and Polri [Indonesian police]."
Atamus Kepno, Jayapura – One hundred and ninety-four Catholic leaders from across Papua have explicitly called for an end to military operations in Papua. The Pastors hope that dialogue and reconciliation will be the solution to resolve the prolonged conflict in Papua.
Jayapura – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has strongly condemned the shooting of a mama (traditional women trader) allegedly committed by a TNI (Indonesian military) member in Mamba Village, Intan Jaya, Papua.
Jakarta – The Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) is urging the police to hold an independent investigation to find the perpetrator of the terror attack on the home of the parents of human rights activist Veronica Koman.
Jakarta – The Detachment 88 (Densus) Special Anti-Terrorist Unit says that the material found at the scene of an explosion at lawyer and Papua activist Veronica Koman's Jakarta home on Sunday November 7 does not resemble the bomb materials usually used by terrorists.
October 2021
Lodi Aprianto – A protest action by Papuan students in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar ended in chaos after members of an ormas (social or mass organisations) forcibly broke up the demonstration. Rappocini deputy sectoral police chief Deputy Police Commissioner Widodo was injured by a rock during the incident.