Human Rights & Social Justice

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June 2005

Kompas – June 16, 2005

Jakarta – Room to maneuver by the former director of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) Hendropriyono is shrinking after BIN formally wrote to him telling him to fulfil the summons by the Fact Finding Team (TPF) investigating the death of human rights activist Munir.

Suara Pembaruan – June 15, 2005

Jakarta – The chairperson of the Association of Families of Missing Persons (Ikohi), Mugiyanto, says the 14 activists who disappeared between 1997-98 are dead.

News/Indonesia – June 15, 2005

M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – Although the time limit for Fact Finding Team’s (TPF) investigation into the Munir case is almost up it seems that it has failed to gain access to documents and information from the National Intelligence Agency (BIN).

Sinar Harapan – June 14, 2005

Jakarta – The Indonesian Association of Families of Missing Persons (Ikohi) is urging retired General Wiranto to clarify his statement that 14 activists who were disappeared between 1997-1998 and who’s whereabouts are still unknown are in fact dead.

Media Indonesia – June 14, 2005

Jakarta – The Fact Finding Team (TPF) investigating the death of Munir has found documents containing four plots to kill the human rights activist.

News/Indonesia – June 14, 2005

Ahmad Dani, Jakarta – Slightly built human rights activist Munir appears to have been the target of a huge conspiracy by a ‘rogue’ group. The evidence, four attempts were planned against his life. And one of the methods was certainly not ‘intellectual’: using black magic.

Tempo Interactive – June 13, 2005

Erwin Dariyanto, Jakarta – On Thursday June 16 the Fact Finding Team (TPF) in the death of human rights activist Munir will again invite Abdullah Mahkmud Hendropriyono in for questioning. The former National Intelligence Agency (BIN) director’s lawyer however has responded by challenging the team to a public debate.

Tempo Interactive – June 8, 2005

Sunariah, Jakarta – Cabinet Secretary Sudi Silalahi has said that the time limit for the Fact Finding Team (TPF) investigation into the death of human rights activist Munir will be extended if by June 23 they have not finished their job and uncovered the perpetrator of Munir’s murder.

Tempo Interactive – June 7, 2005

Dusk had only just fallen when a black Land Cruiser entered the grounds of the national police headquarters on Jalan Trunojoyo in South Jakarta on Sunday May 29. Just a few metres from the gate the vehicle stopped. “Should we turn right Sir? To the chief of police’s office”, asked the driver. “Ah, you. No!

News/Indonesia – June 1, 2005

M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – Non-government organisation (NGO) activists have condemned the former chief of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) AM Hendropriyono’s attack on the Munir Fact Finding Team (TPF). They believe that Hendropriyono is only seeking to sensationalise the issue and distract public attention from the case.