Human Rights & Social Justice

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December 2004

News/Indonesia – December 9, 2004

Arry Anggadha, Jakarta – The Jakarta Legal Aid Foundation (LBH) says that law enforcement agencies are incapable of upholding human rights in Indonesia. LBH is urging the government, law enforcement agencies and the people’s representatives to be become more serious about upholding human rights.

Republika – December 6, 2004

Dwo, Jakarta – It is hoped that President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will immediately form a special team which can handle the murder of human rights activist Munir.

News/Indonesia – December 1, 2004

M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – Following the death of renowned human rights activist Munir on September 7, non-government organisations have been urging the government to sign the United Nations 1998 Declaration on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders.

November 2004

News/Indonesia – November 25, 2004

M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – So that there is no repeat of the Munir case, the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute (LBH) is distributing a circular containing a warning to all human rights activists to be careful in carrying out their work.

Kompas – November 24, 2004

Jakarta – Non-government organisations (NGOs) are concerned about Indonesia’s nomination to chair the United Nations Human Rights Commission because it will actually silence the human rights movement in Indonesia itself.

News/Indonesia – November 24, 2004

Suwarjono, Jakarta – TNI (armed forces) chief Endriartono Sutarto is asking that the death of human rights activist Munir not be turned into a political issue. Munir’s case is a criminal one and must be resolved legally.

News/Indonesia – November 23, 2004

M. Rizal Maslan, Jakarta – Threats in the form of a package containing a rotting chicken carcass which were sent to the wife of Munir were also been sent to the offices of Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) on Jalan Diponegoro at around 1.15pm on Tuesday November 23.

Tempo Interactive – November 22, 2004

Indra Darmawan, Jakarta – Leading non-government organisation (NGO) figures are urging the government to form an independent team to investigate Munir’s murder.

News/Indonesia – November 21, 2004

Arin Widiyanti, Jakarta – Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) and the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) are urging the government and police to investigate threats which have been made against the family of the late Munir.

Analysis/Indonesia – November 21, 2004

Arin Widiyanti, Jakarta – Munir’s widow, Suciwati, says that the threats against her indicate that the death of her husband was politically motivated. She has asked that the investigation not be directed at Munir’s closest friends as suspects in the murder.