Jakarta – The proposed banning of mini-skirts in an around the House of Representatives (DPR) was one of the issues taken up in an action commemorating International Women’s Day in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta on Thursday.
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Medan – The commemoration of International Women’s Day on March 8 was enlivened by a demonstration by scores of women in front of the North Sumatra Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) in Medan. The protesters said that women are still treated unjustly and subordinated in numerous ways.
Danar Widiyanto, Yogya – The ideals articulated during the momentum of International Women’s Day (IWD), which is commemorated each year on March 8, totally contradict the reality of women’s lives in Indonesia. Indonesian is also one of the few countries where the government fails to protect or provide welfare to women.
Mahfudz Jufri, Palu – Hundreds of people from the National Police Crisis Center for Violence against Women and Children (CC-Kapak) held a protest action commemorating International Women’s Day on Thursday March 8. During the action, they presented a gift of 500 underpants to Central Sulawesi police chief Brigadier General Dewa Parsana.
Yogyakarta – The commemoration of International Women’s Day (IWD) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Thursday was marked by a protest action by hundreds of women from the Indonesian Women’s Movement (Gerakan Perempuan Indonesia, Gepari) voicing their demands on the grounds of the Yogyakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).
Jakarta – The fact is that sexual violence against women often occurs in the workplace. Iswarini, the spokesperson for the Women’s Justice Forum (Forum Keadilan Perempuan, FKP), says many women workers report being victims of sexual violence at work.
Oris Riswan Budiana, Bandung – Around 60 women from the West Java Regional Women’s Committee (KPR) celebrated International Women’s Day in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung with a protest action on the grounds of the Gedung Sate building on Jl. Diponegoro.
Atmi Pertiwi, Jakarta – Twenty or so women from the Women’s Justice Forum (Forum Keadilan Perempuan, FKP) distributed around 500 stickers on busses and city public transport vehicles at the Kampung Rambutan bus terminal in East Jakarta on March 6. Written on the yellow stickers was, “Stop rape and sexual harassment”.
Jakarta – The House of Representatives (DPR) and the government are still not paying attention to the fate of victims of rape and sexual harassment. Moreover the impression given by the DPR and government is that they are ignoring the problem even though year by year the incidents of rape and sexual harassment of women continue to increase.
Edwin Firdaus, Jakarta – Cases of rape and sexual harassment against women occur often and repeatedly in Indonesia.
Jakarta – International Women’s Day (IWD) is commemorated every year on March 8. This afternoon, scores of demonstrators from the Free Women National Committee (Komite Nasional Perempuan Mahardhika, KNPM) held a free speech forum at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta.
In the home and in the streets, women are being raped. The government and the parliament are ignoring cases of rape and are complicit in sexual violence against women.
Man: Is there still hope for this republic of complete indifference, aside from God...
Kid: There is Dad!
Official: Pay your tax, its compulsory... Shame on you! (Money bag reads: Tax revenue)
Man: Yes... but when are you going to give me some thought Mr?
Former Miss Indonesia Angelina Sondakh, a legislator from President Yudhoyono’s ruling Democrat Party and suspect in a high-profile corruption scandal, angered millions who watched her recent court testimony in the trial of former party treasurer Muhammad Nazaruddin when she insisted she knew nothing about a BlackBerry messenger conversation wit
While last month’s announcement by Fitch Ratings that Indonesia’s national sovereign rating had been raised to investment level is good news for the richest top 10% of the population who benefit from the country’s economic growth rate of 6.7%, Health Ministry data shows that the percentage of children experiencing stunted growth as a result of m
Hand: Get the job finished...
Arm band reads: Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Safe reads: Corruption cases.
M. Arif, Jakarta – A peaceful action called “Indonesia Without the FPI” that is currently being held at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle will soon move off to the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) office on nearby Jl. Diponegoro, Central Jakarta.