Arm: Mastermind behind BI deputy governor bribery case
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Although during his 2009 election campaign President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pledged to uphold human rights, the reality over the two years of his administration indicates a different reality. Human rights violations continue to occur and are disregard by the state.
Ramadhian Fadillah, Jakarta – Justice and Human Rights Minister Amir Syamsuddin says that during the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s (SBY) leadership there have been no human rights violations. On past human rights violations, the government is the process of finding a solution.
More than a few eyebrows were raised when relatively unknown legal activist and lawyer Abraham Samad (pictured left) emerged as the country’s new anti-graft czar on Friday.
Man: High tides? Ahh, it’ll be safe enough until [the] 2014 [elections]
Men: The Kartanegara bridge tragedy isn’t my responsibility...
Rat: Who’s responsible? Me! That’s the way it is with projects!
Skull with gun: Palm oil rights!
Body: Human rights
Elin Yunita Kristanti and Luqman Rimadi – Around 80 people calling themselves the Jakarta-Bali Papuan Society and Students held a protest action in Central Jakarta today demanding that the United Nations (UNTEA, United Nations Temporary Executive Authority), the United States, Holland and Indonesia immediately recognise West Papuan independence
Edwin Firdaus, Jakarta – Hundreds of students originating from Papua held a protest action in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta on Thursday December 1, again calling for Papuan independence.
Prabowo, Yogyakarta – Students and people from Papua in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta commemorated 50 years of the Free Papua Organisation (OPM) in front of the Papua dormitory on Jl. Kusumanegara, Umbulharjo.
They called on the Indonesian government to acknowledge West Papua Independence day on December 1.
According to the Supreme Audit Agency there were irregularities of US$33 billion in Social Assistance Funds (Dana Bantuan Sosial) in 2007-2010.
Fitri Mey Budianto, Surabaya – Around 100 or so people from various non-government organisations (NGOs) commemorated Anti-violence Against Women Day, which falls on November 25, at the Bungkul Park in the East Java provincial capital of Surabaya.
Man: Don’t be envious! What’s wrong with being rich, living in luxury, what’s important is it’s intended for the people!
Kid: Yeah but which people Mr? I’m one of the ordinary people, but you’re certainly not!
Lhokseumawe – Scores of women from various different organisations held an action to commemorate Anti-Violence Against Women Day in the Acehnese city of Lhokseumawe on Friday November 25.
Khairul Ikhwan, Jakarta – Around one hundred women from a number of non-government organisations (NGOs) held a demonstration at the Jl Gatot Subroto traffic circle in the North Sumatra provincial capital of Medan this afternoon. The action is part of a 16 day campaign on violence against women and children.
Sign reads: Family planning (KB). Documents read: Jobs, healthcare
Lizard: A reflection of the future fate of our sports champions?
Gede Suardana, Denpasar – A protest action against the 19th ASEAN Summit in Balinese provincial capital of Denpasar on Friday November 18 was marred by a scuffle between police and demonstrators.
The action was held by scores of people from various groups under the Alliance for Democracy and Human Rights (ARDAM)
Manokwari – Shouts of “Papuan is independent” enlivened a peaceful protest action at the West Papua Provincial House of Representatives (DPRPB) on Thursday November 17.