David Saut, Jakarta – Around 60 people held an “Indonesia Without the FPI” protest action at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle at 4pm this afternoon. Compared with the number of protesters however, there were more police officers on guard, numbering in the hundreds.
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Street signs read: Road with no end, Comedy St, Law & Justice St, Dead End St, Road to Hell, Malang Apple Rd, Washington Apple Rd, Politics St, Road to Heaven.
Jakarta – Problems related to Papua are Indonesia’s internal affair. The United State has never considered the Papua problem in its cooperative defense relationship.
1st Man: One drop of indigo stains the whole cauldron of milk...
2nd Man: Or was the milk already damaged to begin with.
Yohan Wahyu – Most of the recent social upheavals have been triggered by a decline in public trust in the state. Public pessimism towards the government's performance has stimulated the emergence of several mass movements, from solidarity actions through to the social media and mass blockades.
Man: How dare they embezzle money so shamelessly!
Kid: Perhaps they’re high on drugs Dad! (alluding to a series of recent drug cases involving state officials)
Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition for Workers’ Rights (KMSHB) has condemned Jakarta Military Commander Major General TNI Waris for being arrogant, anti-democratic and provocative.
Relax... we’re used to riding a train without a driver, right...
Man: Deputy regents (wakil bupati – regent’s representative) want to be regents! Deputy governors (wakil gubernur – governor’s representative) want to be governors! So Mr representative of the people (wakil rakyat) why don’t you want to be one of the people!
Trolley reads: Infrastructure and Public Utilities Budget
Man: The predatory republic?
Headline reads: Agrarian Law. Roll reads: Land Management.
1st Man: That’s the big boss, the chief and the big chief’s share
2nd Man: While our share’s a flood alert right (apel = alert or apple)
Nurmulia Rekso Purnomo, Jakarta – Victims of human rights violations held a protest action on Tuesday January 17 demanding that the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) immediately announce the results of an investigation in to the 1965-66 affair. The action was held at the Komnas HAM offices in the Menteng area of Central Jakarta.
Jakarta – Scores of victims of the 1965-66 affair protested at the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) office in Jakarta today.
A 17-year-old boy at the center of a legal and public relations storm was found guilty on Wednesday of stealing a pair of sandals from a police officer and released into the custody of his parents.
Arm band reads: Corruptor
The arrest of a juvenile who stole a pair of cheap sandals is only the latest in a series of cases where police have locked up children for petty crimes while rampant official corruption and theft of millions in public funds is often punished with just a slap on the wrist.
Oh God... I just pray for retirement... because my job in this country has been taken over by government officials!
Man: Optimistic?
Flood waters read: Corruption, mafia, violence...
Traditional land rights
Shocking reports have emerged of mass killings in Lampung after dozens of farmers from Mesuji met with lawmakers on Wednesday and alleged that 30 farmers had been murdered between 2009 and 2011 as part of attempts by a plantation company to evict them from their traditional land.