
April 2013

Detik News – April 7, 2013

Septiana Ledysia, Jakarta – Five men calling themselves the New Men’s Alliance (ALB) held a silent action opposing all forms of violence and rape against women at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Sunday April 7.

March 2013

West Papua
Metro TV News – March 25, 2013

MI/Rommy Pujianto/ip, Makassar – Student Solidarity Concern for the Papuan People (SMPRP) along with advocacy and human rights groups held a protest action in front of the Mandala Monument Commemorating the Liberation of West Irian on Jl. Jenderal Sudirman in the South Sulawesi provincial capital of Makassar on Monday March 25.

Indonesia – March 17, 2013

Munawwaroh, Jakarta – Former Pancasila Youth (PP) chairperson Yorrys Raweyai objects to the bad image sometimes held by the public about the youth organisation PP, which is now more than 50 years old, with the world of thuggery and violence.

Tnol – March 8, 2013

Safari Sidakaton – International Women’s Day (IWD) was commemorated by a variety of different women’s communities and organisations that united under the International Women’s Day Action Committee (KAHPS), which presented a “Claim for Payment” to government institutions and agencies on Friday March 8.

Sindo News – March 8, 2013

Rakhmatulloh – Women labour activists from the Joint Labour Secretariat (Sekber Buruh) Women’s Action Committee held a protest action in front of the Jakarta governor’s office at the Jakarta city hall calling on related institutions, central and regional governments to formulate policies that do not harm women.

Tribune News – March 8, 2013

Faiq Nuraini, Mojokerto – Scores of women from the Mojokerto Women’s Struggle Alliance (APPM) and Perempuan Mahardika (Free Women) Mojokerto took to the streets of the East Java city of Mojokerto on Friday March 8.

Aceh Post – March 8, 2013

Adelia Syahfitri – Scores of women activists from a joint committee greeted International Women’s Day (IWD) by holding a peaceful action at the Simpang Lima traffic circle in the Acehnese provincial capital of Banda Aceh on Friday March 8.

Indonesia – March 8, 2013

Wijaya Kusuma, Yogyakarta – Hundreds of women activists from the Central Java city of Yogyakarta held a peaceful action on Friday March 8 at the zero kilometer point near to the central post office to commemorate International Women’s Day (IWD).

Indonesia – March 8, 2013

Putra Prima Perdana, Bandung – Commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD) 2013, some 150 workers, the majority of which were women from the Independent Trade Union Federation (FSPM) and the Bango Soy Sauce Independent Trade Union, held a protest action in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung on Friday March 8.

Indonesia – March 8, 2013

Ambon – Student activists from the Student Struggle Center for National Liberation (PEMBEBASAN) held a protest action on the main road in front of the Sirimau Sectoral Police Headquarters (Mapolsek) in Ambon, Maluku, on Friday March 8.

Detik News – March 6, 2013

Ari Saputra, Jakarta – Scores of people from the Greater Jakarta Labour Joint Secretariat (Sekber Buruh Jabotabek) held a candle lit vigil at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta on Wednesday evening for Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.

February 2013

Kompas – February 14, 2013

Puji Utami, Semarang – Scores of activists from the Legal Resources Center for Gender Justice and Human Rights (LRC-KJHAM) along with a number of Central Java women’s organisations in the provincial capital of Semarang held a protest action to stop violence against women.

Indonesia – February 14, 2013

Moch. Andriansyah – Hundreds of young people from the One Billion Rising (OBR) community held huge street dance at the Bungku Park in the East Java provincial capital of Surabaya in an action protesting violence against women on Valentine’s Day.

Indonesia – February 13, 2013

Wijaya Kusuma, Yogyakarta – One Billion Rising (OBR) rising activist in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta (Yogya) will hold a dance action as a form of opposition to and concern over the widespread acts of violence and rape against women.

Kompas – February 13, 2013

Jakarta – Presidential Instruction Number 2/2013 on The Handling of Domestic Security Disturbances is easily subject to misuse by regional heads for their own political interests. This is because regional governments themselves are often the cause of horizontal conflicts.

January 2013

Indonesia – January 21, 2013

Jakarta – The Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) and a number of Islamic mass organisations oppose attempts to ban female circumcision by any groups on the grounds that it represents a religious teaching, the implementation of which is a human right protected by the Indonesian constitution.

Indonesia – January 12, 2013

Aditya Revianur, Jakarta – The coordinator of the Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras), Haris Ashar says that the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) should issue a list of 2014 presidential (capres) and legislative (caleg) candidates that have committed crimes against humanity.

Detik News – January 7, 2013

Feri Fernandes, Lhokseumawe – The administration of the northern Acehnese town of Lhokseumawe has officially issued a circular banning women passengers from straddling motorbikes. The circular has been posted at busy city centres. Below are the contents of the circular.

Detik News – January 7, 2013

Feri Fernandes, Lhokseumawe – A local government circular banning women passengers from straddling motorbikes has been posted at public locations in the northern Acehnese town Lhokseumawe. The circular will be in effect for three months before being signed into law as a mayoral regulation.

Aceh Post – January 1, 2013

Irman I.P, Lhokseumawe – Ulema Consultative Assembly (MPU) chairperson Tgk H Asnawi Abdullah from the Northern Acehnese city of Lhokseumawe supports the plan by Lhokseumawe Mayor Suaidi Yahya to issue a regulation banning women from sitting astride motorbikes when riding as passengers.