
May 2012

Viva News – May 7, 2012

Ita Lismawati F. Malau, Oscar Ferri – After 19 years and 14 years of reformasi (the reform process beginning in 1998), Marsinah’s killer has still not been found. The government is being called on not to neglect the case until the 20-year statute of limitations for murder cases expires.

Liputan 6 – May 7, 2012

Rochmanuddin, Jakarta – The Marsinah FM Radio Community together with the Free Women National Committee (KNPM), the Cross-Factory Labour Forum (FBLP), the Indonesian Trade Union Congress Alliance (Kasbi), the Solidarity Alliance for Labour Struggle-United Indonesian Labour Movement (GSPB-PPBI) and the Student Struggle Center for National Liberat

Antara News – May 1, 2012

Denpasar – Scores of workers in the Balinese provincial capital of Denpasar from the Unity for a People’s Independent Nation (Perkasa) demanded that the Bali provincial government immediately form an independent labour supervisory committee.

Detik News – May 1, 2012

Adan Bakar, Lampung – A May Day action in the South Sumatra city of Lampung ended in chaos on Tuesday after scores of protesters were involved in a clash with public order agency officers (Satpol PP). As a result one student was injured.

Viva News – May 1, 2012

Ismoko Widjaya, Harry Ondo Saragih, Medan – Around 2000 workers blockaded a road directly in front of the Polonia Airport in the North Sumatra provincial capital of Medan on the afternoon of Tuesday May 1. As a result traffic from the city center was paralyzed causing a 5 kilometre traffic jam in both directions.

Detik News – May 1, 2012

Baban Gandapurnama, Bandung – Thousands of workers and other groups, which took to the streets to commemorate International Labour Day or May Day at the Gedung Sate governor’s office in the West Java Provincial capital of Bandung, voiced almost identical demands.

Detik News – May 1, 2012

Angling Adhitya Purbaya, Semarang – Commemorating May Day, thousands of workers from the Workers Challenge Movement (Gerbang) held a protest action at the Central Java governors’ office on Jl. Pahlawan in the Central Java provincial capital of Semarang.

Republika – May 1, 2012

Jakarta – As many as 100,000 workers from an alliance of trade unions held May Day action in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta on Tuesday May 1 demanding welfare for the working class.

Atjeh Post – May 1, 2012

Taufan Mustafa, Banda Aceh – A demonstration commemorating International Labour Day in the Achenese provincial capital of Banda Aceh on Tuesday May 1 began with a convoy from the Raya Baiturrahman Mosque to the Aceh governor’s office.

Detik News – May 1, 2012

Bagus Kurniawan, Yogyakarta – Thousands of students and workers in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta commemorated International Labour Day or May Day on Tuesday May 1.

West Papua
Detik News – May 1, 2012

Chazizah Gusnita, Jakarta – May 1 is not just for celebrating International Labour Day. In Papua, people commemorated May as the day Papua was annexed into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). More than 1300 people took to the streets.

West Papua
Viva News – May 1, 2012

Elin Yunita Kristanti, Banjir Ambarita (Papua) – Hundreds of Morning Star flags of various sizes were flown when thousands of Papuans held a protest action to demand national independence for Papua in Manokwari, West Papua, on Tuesday May 1.

April 2012

Harian Jogya – April 27, 2012

Akhirul Anwar/JIBI, Jogja – Scores of people from the United People’s Committee (KBR) held an action in front of the Beringharjo Market on Jl. Ahmad Yani in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on the afternoon of Friday April 27.

Indonesia – April 26, 2012

Khaerudin, Nasru Alam Aziz, Jakarta – The disparity and gap between those who are rich and poor in Indonesia is clearly illustrated by data on the control of national productive assets.

West Papua
Kompas – April 19, 2012

Jakarta – Speaking in Jakarta on Wednesday April 18, Indonesian Military (TNI) headquarters information centre chief Rear Admiral Iskandar Sitompul said that intelligence personnel on duty in Papua do indeed have its own chain of command.

Kompas – April 14, 2012

Jakarta – Because the government has failed to fulfill its promise of agrarian reform, the process of rural proletarianisation continues unabated. Rural communities, the majority of whom are farmers that once owned land, have begun to loose their source of income because they no longer have control over land.

March 2012

Indonesia – March 17, 2012

Tomi Sujatmiko, Yogya – Scores of housewives from the Political Union of the FIXX Poor (Persatuan Politik Rakyat Miskin, PPRM) demonstrated against the government’s proposed fuel (BBM) price hikes in front of the Gedung Agung Presidential Palace in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Saturday March 17.

Antara News – March 8, 2012

Jakarta – The proposed banning of mini-skirts in an around the House of Representatives (DPR) was one of the issues taken up in an action commemorating International Women’s Day in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta on Thursday.

Harian Orbit – March 8, 2012

Medan – The commemoration of International Women’s Day on March 8 was enlivened by a demonstration by scores of women in front of the North Sumatra Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) in Medan. The protesters said that women are still treated unjustly and subordinated in numerous ways.

Krjogya – March 8, 2012

Danar Widiyanto, Yogya – The ideals articulated during the momentum of International Women’s Day (IWD), which is commemorated each year on March 8, totally contradict the reality of women’s lives in Indonesia. Indonesian is also one of the few countries where the government fails to protect or provide welfare to women.