
March 2012

Detik News – March 8, 2012

Mahfudz Jufri, Palu – Hundreds of people from the National Police Crisis Center for Violence against Women and Children (CC-Kapak) held a protest action commemorating International Women’s Day on Thursday March 8. During the action, they presented a gift of 500 underpants to Central Sulawesi police chief Brigadier General Dewa Parsana.

Suara Merdeka – March 8, 2012

Yogyakarta – The commemoration of International Women’s Day (IWD) in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Thursday was marked by a protest action by hundreds of women from the Indonesian Women’s Movement (Gerakan Perempuan Indonesia, Gepari) voicing their demands on the grounds of the Yogyakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD).

Republika – March 8, 2012

Jakarta – The fact is that sexual violence against women often occurs in the workplace. Iswarini, the spokesperson for the Women’s Justice Forum (Forum Keadilan Perempuan, FKP), says many women workers report being victims of sexual violence at work.

Detik Bandung – March 8, 2012

Oris Riswan Budiana, Bandung – Around 60 women from the West Java Regional Women’s Committee (KPR) celebrated International Women’s Day in the West Java provincial capital of Bandung with a protest action on the grounds of the Gedung Sate building on Jl. Diponegoro.

Tempo – March 6, 2012

Atmi Pertiwi, Jakarta – Twenty or so women from the Women’s Justice Forum (Forum Keadilan Perempuan, FKP) distributed around 500 stickers on busses and city public transport vehicles at the Kampung Rambutan bus terminal in East Jakarta on March 6. Written on the yellow stickers was, “Stop rape and sexual harassment”.

Pelita Online – March 5, 2012

Jakarta – The House of Representatives (DPR) and the government are still not paying attention to the fate of victims of rape and sexual harassment. Moreover the impression given by the DPR and government is that they are ignoring the problem even though year by year the incidents of rape and sexual harassment of women continue to increase.

Tribune News – March 4, 2012

Edwin Firdaus, Jakarta – Cases of rape and sexual harassment against women occur often and repeatedly in Indonesia.

Seruu – March 4, 2012

Jakarta – International Women’s Day (IWD) is commemorated every year on March 8. This afternoon, scores of demonstrators from the Free Women National Committee (Komite Nasional Perempuan Mahardhika, KNPM) held a free speech forum at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle in Central Jakarta.

February 2012

Detik News – February 14, 2012

M. Arif, Jakarta – A peaceful action called “Indonesia Without the FPI” that is currently being held at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle will soon move off to the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) office on nearby Jl. Diponegoro, Central Jakarta.

Detik News – February 14, 2012

David Saut, Jakarta – Around 60 people held an “Indonesia Without the FPI” protest action at the Hotel Indonesia traffic circle at 4pm this afternoon. Compared with the number of protesters however, there were more police officers on guard, numbering in the hundreds.

West Papua
Kompas – February 9, 2012

Jakarta – Problems related to Papua are Indonesia’s internal affair. The United State has never considered the Papua problem in its cooperative defense relationship.

Kompas - February 6, 2012

Yohan Wahyu – Most of the recent social upheavals have been triggered by a decline in public trust in the state. Public pessimism towards the government's performance has stimulated the emergence of several mass movements, from solidarity actions through to the social media and mass blockades.

Indonesia – February 3, 2012

Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition for Workers’ Rights (KMSHB) has condemned Jakarta Military Commander Major General TNI Waris for being arrogant, anti-democratic and provocative.

January 2012

Tribune News – January 17, 2012

Nurmulia Rekso Purnomo, Jakarta – Victims of human rights violations held a protest action on Tuesday January 17 demanding that the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) immediately announce the results of an investigation in to the 1965-66 affair. The action was held at the Komnas HAM offices in the Menteng area of Central Jakarta.

Java Post – January 17, 2012

Jakarta – Scores of victims of the 1965-66 affair protested at the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) office in Jakarta today.

December 2011

Kompas – December 12, 2011

Although during his 2009 election campaign President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono pledged to uphold human rights, the reality over the two years of his administration indicates a different reality. Human rights violations continue to occur and are disregard by the state.

Detik News – December 12, 2011

Ramadhian Fadillah, Jakarta – Justice and Human Rights Minister Amir Syamsuddin says that during the era of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s (SBY) leadership there have been no human rights violations. On past human rights violations, the government is the process of finding a solution.

West Papua
Viva News – December 1, 2011

Elin Yunita Kristanti and Luqman Rimadi – Around 80 people calling themselves the Jakarta-Bali Papuan Society and Students held a protest action in Central Jakarta today demanding that the United Nations (UNTEA, United Nations Temporary Executive Authority), the United States, Holland and Indonesia immediately recognise West Papuan independence

West Papua
Tribune News – December 1, 2011

Edwin Firdaus, Jakarta – Hundreds of students originating from Papua held a protest action in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta on Thursday December 1, again calling for Papuan independence.

West Papua
Okezone – December 1, 2011

Prabowo, Yogyakarta – Students and people from Papua in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta commemorated 50 years of the Free Papua Organisation (OPM) in front of the Papua dormitory on Jl. Kusumanegara, Umbulharjo.

They called on the Indonesian government to acknowledge West Papua Independence day on December 1.