
July 2011

Kompas – July 6, 2011

Jakarta – Out-dated perspectives on viewing security problems are being strengthened through the Draft Law on National Security (RUU Keamanan Nasional).

Democratic Student Front (FMD) – July 1, 2011

Democracy in South-East Asia is currently under attack. After the Thai Embassy in Jakarta was the target of a demonstration on June 27 because the Thai government arrested Red Shirt activist leaders, today it was the turn of the Malaysian Embassy on Jl. HR Rasuna Said in Kuningan, South Jakarta, to be the target of demonstrators.

Malaysia – July 1, 2011

Ari Saputra, Jakarta – The Malaysian Embassy in Jakarta has been ‘attacked en masse’ by scores of labour and youth activists condemning the arrest of 30 Malaysian Socialist Party (PSM) activists by the Malaysian government.

June 2011

Liputan 6 – June 23, 2011

Iwan Taruna, Makassar – A protest action by hundreds of students rejecting the Draft Intelligence and State Secrecy Law (RUU Intelijen) at the South Sulawesi Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) building on Thursday June 23 ended in a clash.

Pos Kota Kaltim – June 23, 2011

Samarinda – Scores of students from the Student Struggle Center for National Liberation (PEMBEBASAN, formerly LMND-PRD) held a protest at the East Kalimantan Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) yesterday calling on the assembly to reject the Draft Law on Intelligence and State Security (RU

Starberita – June 23, 2011

Medan – Protesters from the Student Struggle Center for National Liberation (PEMBEBASAN, formerly LMND-PRD) in the North Sumatra capital of Medan oppose the enactment of the Draft Law on Intelligence and State Secrecy (RUU Intelijen) because it will muzzle the people’s democratic rights and ema

Indonesia – June 23, 2011

Yogyakarta – Scores of students from the Student Struggle Centre for National Liberation (PEMBEBASAN, formerly LMND-PRD) held a protest action in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Thursday against the enactment of the Draft Law on Intelligence and State Security (RUU Intelijen) saying it w

Indonesia – June 23, 2011

Ari Saputra, Jakarta – Students and workers have again demonstrated against the draft law on state intelligence (RUU Intelijen Negara), this time by covering their bodies with white paint and chaining their hands together to symbolise the shackling of freedom should the draft intelligence law be ratified by the House of Representatives.

West Papua
Kompas – June 3, 2011

Jakarta – The government is still dealing with problems by military means (securitisation, use of extraordinary means in the name of security) in attempting to overcome problems in Papua. But instead of resolving the Papua problem, securitisation is instead the trigger for even more widespread human rights violations.

May 2011

Kompas – May 29, 2011

Jakarta – The number of floating voters is tending to increase. This can be seen not just from the decline in participation levels in elections between 1999 and 2009, but the political parties in general would be unable to hold on to their constituents if an election was held today.

Kompas – May 25, 2011

Jakarta – The tales of the New Order regime’s successes, which are being used as a selling point for the Golkar Party, are misleading.

Kompas – May 25, 2011

Jakarta – Foreign penetration through multi-national companies in the food sector is increasing and spreading.

Kompas – May 23, 2011

Jakarta – Foreign domination of strategic economic sectors is spreading and deepening. It has been suggested that the government reorganised strategic economic development so the benefits are more evenly felt by the ordinary people and greater competitiveness in the face of global competition.

Yogya Tribune – May 19, 2011

Bakti Buwono Budiastyo, Bantul – Scores of people from Parangkusumo beach in Bantul district, south of the Central Java city of Yogyakarta, besieged the Bantul regent’s office on the early hours of Thursday May 19. At around 1.30am they gave speeches and conveyed their demands in front of the office of the Number 1 person in Bantul.

Kompas – May 14, 2011

M Hernowo – Case of human rights violations that took place around the time of the fall of the New Order regime have still not been fully resolved. Moreover President Suharto’s decision on May 21, 1998 to release his grip on the reigns power, which he held for 32 years, has been taken advantage of by some groups.

Indonesia – May 7, 2011

Novi Christiastuti Adiputri, Jakarta – The Nusantara Marijuana Circle (LGN) held a long-march through the Farmers Monument area in Central Jakarta on Saturday May 7 to commemorate the Global Marijuana March (GMM).

Malaysia – May 5, 2011

E Mei Amelia R, Jakarta – Indonesian police arrested three Malaysian citizens in relation to the 18th ASEAN Summit in Jakarta on May 7-8. The three were questioned for allegedly taking part in a demonstration at the ASEAN Secretariat on Jl. Sisingamangaraja in South Jakarta on May 5.

Kompas – May 2, 2011

Yohan Wahyu – If we look at the still sidelined state of workers and employees, the need to unite and organise oneself should be a big one. The historical facts in Indonesia however show the reverse, with political parties claiming to be based among workers not in fact “selling well” in the eyes of the voting public.

Indonesia – May 1, 2011

Laurencius Simanjuntak, Jakarta – Even though its occupants are in recess, the House of Representatives (DPR) building in Central Jakarta was the target of around 150 protesters commemorating Labour Day.

Indonesia – May 1, 2011

Suci Dian Firani, Jakarta – In addition to demonstrating at the State Palace and House of Representatives (DPR) building, hundreds of workers also commemorated May Day by descending on the Department of Labour and Transmigration (Kemenakertrans) offices demanding welfare improvements.