Statements and Press Releases

January 2010

APSN – January 23, 2010

A new alliance or united front organization was formed in January in Indonesia to fight the current neo-liberal policies of the Indonesian government. Its leaflet calling for a January 28 protest action lists 17 organisations.

January 2009

PPRM – January 3, 2009

Zely Ariane – In July 2008, Barrack Obama, now the United State’s new president elect said: “If someone launches a rocket at my home while my two sons are sleeping, then I would make every effort to put an end to them, and I hope that the Israeli people would also do the same” (

December 2008

PPRM – December 10, 2008

Oppose the 2009 elections of the political elite – an election of the human rights violators, capitalists, corruptors and opportunist!

LMND-PRM – December 6, 2008

[The following is a statement from (the temporary) National Collective of National Student League For Democracy-The Politics of The Poor (Liga Mahasiswa Nasional untuk Demokrasi-Politik Rakyat Miskin, LMND-PRM), Indonesia, about the capitalist crisis now and the solutions being taken by our government, the Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono-Jusuf Kalla re

May 2008

Joint Statement – May 23, 2008

The following are statements of objection by three organisations that are part of the Ternate (North Maluku) National Liberation Front (FPN) against statements and releases issue by the Indonesian Student League for Democracy (LMND) and the People's Challenge Alliance (FRM).

FPR – May 23, 2008

[The following is a slightly abridged translation of a statement by the People's Struggle Front (FPR) condemning recent acts of violence by police against peaceful protests opposing the Indonesian government's planned fuel price hikes.]

Greeting of struggle,

PPR – May 13, 2008

The battle drum of the Indonesian people’s resistance to the planned fuel price increases has been sounded – students, the urban poor, workers, farmers and women in every corner of the country are daily holding actions that are growing and uniting day by day.

April 2008

PRP – April 24, 2008

Greetings to all working people,

March 2008

National Peasants Union – March 3, 2008

Jaukak Gulton, a farmer activist aged 66, who was actively in the struggle over a land conflict in Mariah Hombang village, Hutabayu sub district, North Sumatra province, was found lifeless on nearby land on February 13. His head and chest was covered with grass.

LMND – March 1, 2008

Beginning last Monday, the National Student League for Democracy (LMND) held two-day demonstrations in Jakarta to rally the campaign for the nationalisation of oil, gas, and mining industries.

May 2007

Papernas – May 14, 2007

The following is an open letter issued by the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) following the March 13 attack on Papernas’s regional office in the Central Sulawesi provincial capital of Palu.

March 2007

Papernas – March 29, 2007

The following statement was to be presented during action by the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) at the Hotel Shangri-La in Jakarta on March 29 to protest a meeting on the Millenium Development Goals and the newly passed Foreign Investment Law.

KP-Papernas – March 4, 2007

At around 3pm today (March 4) protesters calling themselves the Indonesian Anti-Communist Front (FAKI) attacked the East Java Regional Conference of the National Liberation Party of Unity (Papernas) in Batu City, East Java.

April 2006

ABM – April 18, 2006

After holding a meeting with trade union representatives on April 8, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono declared that the Draft Revision to Law Number 13/2003 on Labour that has already been circulating among the pubic is no longer valid.

March 2006

Perempuan Mahardhika – March 9, 2006

On March 8, no less than 400 mostly women activists from Perempuan Mahardhika, which is made up of urban poor, worker and student organisations along with other women’s groups, marched to demand government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono stop paying the foreign debt and use the budget to improve welfare for the poor.

June 2005

Joint Statement – June 7, 2005

The following is a joint statement by Solidarity of People’s Movement for Aceh (SEGERA) and the Acehnese People’s Democratic Resistance Front (FPDRA).

The fourth round of Helsinki Talk ended last week. The informal talk resulted in several points of agreement between RI and GAM for drafting the formal agreements.

March 2005

United People’s Alliance – March 2, 2005

At midnight on February 28, the government announced an increase in fuel prices, with the price of Premium petrol increasing from 1,810 rupiah per litre to 2,400 and diesel fuel from 1,650 to 2,300 per litre.

January 2005

FPDRA Statement – January 12, 2005

The desire by the government of Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to create an opportunity for a peace agreement and end the armed conflict with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) should be welcomed all elements of society. This positive signal should also be welcomed by GAM.

PRD Statement – January 5, 2005

The real reason why the imperialist government does not pay attention to the human rights violations in Aceh is due to the importance of international capital, such as Exxon-Mobil International, which has a symbiotic relationship with military control and civil bureaucrats in Aceh.

October 2004

West Papua
PRD – October 21, 2004

[The following statement was issue by the People’s Democratic Party (PRD) following the inauguration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Vice-President Jusuf Kalla at the national parliament in Jakarta on October 20.]