Rizky Suryarandika, Jakarta – Human rights activist and lawyer for the families of the victims of the 2014 Paniai massacre in Papua, Younes Douw, has revealed the reluctance on the part of the families to attend the human rights trial hearing the case. The families object because only one person has been declared a suspect.
Documents containing the term 'political parties'
Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – Indonesian Human Rights Watch (Imparsial) Executive Director Gufron Mabruri hopes that the government will immediately investigate and solve the case of alleged human rights violations in the assassination of renowned human rights defender Munir Said Thalib.
Vitorio Mantalean. Jakarta – The General Election Commission (KPU) officially closed registrations for political parties wanting to take part in the 2024 elections on Sunday August 14 at 11.59 pm, having opened registrations on Monday August 1.
Leon Kastayudha – The Draft Criminal Code (RKUHP) initiated by bourgeois politicians contains a series of problematic regulations which in essence legalise despotism and at the same time facilitate the extension of capitalist exploitation – the very thing that was the main target of the Reform Corrupted (Reformasi Dikorupsi) movement in 2019.
Jayapura – The formation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua is still leaving problems in its wake, the latest being the issue of bribes allegedly paid by Merauke Regent Romanus Mbaraka to House of Representatives (DPR) lawmakers to change an article in the revised Special Autonomy (Otsus) Law on Papua so that regional expansion falls under
When giving a speech, she said: If I want to have a daughter- or son-in-law, I told my children, careful if you find someone like a bakso seller.
This was added to by: ...for example people from Papua are totally black, yeah... when I went to Papua... I thought, 'how come I'm all by myself'.
Vitorio Mantalean, Jakarta -– The Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) enacted three draft laws on the creation of three new provinces in Papua at a plenary meeting on Thursday June 30, namely, South Papua, Central Papua and the Papua Highlands.
From an oped piece in Kompas.com titled Observer says elections more like festival of the political elite than the people.
Jakarta – Respondents in an Indonesia Poltracking survey say that they are not interested in presidential or vice presidential candidates from the TNI (Indonesian military), Polri (Indonesian police) or ulama (Islamic leaders).
Tatang Guritno, Jakarta – The ruling Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) should open itself up to other political parties following the meeting between National Democrat (Nasdem) Party General Chairperson Surya Paloh and Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) Party General Chairperson Prabowo Subianto.
Gita Irawan, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) has criticised the appointment of Central Sulawesi State Intelligence Agency (BIN) regional chief (Kabinda) Brigadier General Andi Chandra As’aduddin as the acting (Pj) regent of Seram Bagian Barat in Maluku province.
Adhyasta Dirgantara, Jakarta – Leaders of the 1945 Indonesian Christian Party (Parkindo 1945) visited the Justice and Human Rights Ministry (Kemenkumham) today to protest the change of their party's name into the Indonesian Student Party.
Parkindo 1945 believes that the status of the Indonesian Student Party is unclear.
International Labour Day 2022 was commemorated by the Labour Party as a "May Day Fiesta" at the Bung Karno Sports Stadium (GBK) in Jakarta on May 14. An estimated 30-60 thousand workers attended the fiesta. Even if the lower estimate of 30,000 is used it shows an increase in mass mobilisations.
Jakarta – On Friday May 20 President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo invited political figures from Papua and West Papua provinces to an audience at the Bogor Presidential Palace in Bogor city, West Java.
During the meeting, they discussed a number of issues including the creation of new autonomous regions (DOB) in Papua.
Jakarta – The United Indonesia Coalition, which is made up of the Golkar Party, the National Mandate Party (PAN) and the United Development Party (PPP) claims that it will continue the development of the President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo era in the next period.
Fitria Chusna Farisa, Jakarta – Indikator Politik Indonesia researcher Bawono Kumoro says that there is a good possibility that three presidential and vice presidential candidate tickets will emerge in the 2024 presidential elections.
Ardito Ramadhan, Jakarta – Paramadina University political observer Ahmad Khoirul Umam says that the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) General Chairperson and Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto's goodwill safari (safari silaturahmi) on Idul Fitri 1443 H this year was ridden with political nuance.
Jakarta – The Labour Party demanded that the 2024 elections be held on schedule and that they be transparent and fair during a May Day action in front of the General Elections Commission (KPU) building in Central Jakarta on Sunday May 1.
Jakarta – The sudden emergence of the Indonesian Student Party (Partai Mahasiswa Indonesia, PMI) has elicited a variety of responses.
Jakarta – The government has responded to a report on human rights practices in Indonesia that was released by the United States with a counter attack. This attitude is seen as a bad sign of the state of human rights in Indonesia.