Man: Ready to win Mr?
Cakada: Yep
Man: Are you also prepared to loose?
Cakada: Yep...
Man: Ready to win Mr?
Cakada: Yep
Man: Are you also prepared to loose?
Cakada: Yep...
Bomb reads: Terrorism, Bank Century scandal, Lapindo mudflow disaster, Hambalang corruption scandal, narcotics, police general’s fat bank accounts, beef import scandal, fuel price hikes, Poso sectarian violence, etc...
Newspaper reads: Housing prices continue to rise, Palace of the Gods only 2.8 billion [rupiah].
Man: Is that the price, its so low...
Badge reads: Celebrity legislative candidate
1st Man: Is this Indonesian Idol or Indonesia searching for talent?
2nd Man: Let’s hope it’s not a stand up comedy...
National police chief General Timur Pradopo: ABC! Criminal Code! XYZ!
Man: The law is right... but law enforcers?
Writing on donkey reads: “Legislative candidate”, corrupt politicians, fugitives from justice, hoodlums, insane, falsified deplomas...
Scroll reads: corruption, bribes, overseas junkets, project brokers, skipping meetings, huge salary++, a Hummer car...
Kid: A bet Dad... history will repeat itself.
Crate reads National Exam problems, smoke reads Performance, number plate reads (Ministry) of Education and Culture.
Man: Are you prepared to take on thugs like these? Now that’s what you’d call a knight in black (shining) armor!