Walda Marison, Jakarta – A number of journalist organisations from the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) held a demonstration to commemorate International Labour Day in Jakarta on May 1.
Freedom of Information & Press
Displaying 101-110 of 161 Articles
May 2019
April 2019
Paul – The West Papua immigration office insists that it will take firm action against foreign journalists trying to cover the elections in West Papua.
Lampung Geh, Bandar Lampung – There has been support and opposition in the aftermath of the short story titled When Everyone Refuses My Presence Near Her (Ketika Semua Menolak Kehadiranku di Dekatnya), which was published on the Suara USU
The following is a statement by the Yogyakarta International Women’s Day (IWD) Committee on the University of North Sumatra’s (USU) censoring of the Suara USU (Voice of USU) student press.
March 2019
Neli Agustina, Medan – Hundreds of students from the Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Student Alliance held an action rejecting pornographic content at the University of North Sumatra (USU) in Medan on the afternoon of March 29.
Ikhsan Abdul Hakim – The actions by North Sumatra University (USU) Rector Runtung Sitepu in closing down the student press publication Suara USU (Voice of USU) has been criticised by many parties.
Medan, Sumut News – Students from the group Student Solidarity Speaking Out (Somber) from the North Sumatra University (USU) held a protest action in front of the USU rectorate on Thursday March 28.
Jones Gultom, Medan – A number of student organisations from the North Sumatra University (USU) which are part of the group Student Solidarity Speaking Out (Somber) held a peaceful protest at the USU campus on Thursday March 28.
Medan – The North Sumatra Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) says it regrets a decision by the University of North Sumatra’s (USU) rector to revoke the Voice of USU’s (Suara USU) editorial board’s Student Press accreditation.
Prayugo Utomo – The fate of the North Sumatra University (USU) Student Press Institute’s Voice of USU (Suara USU) is on the “horns of a dilemma”.