Jeka Kampai, Padang – A joint team from the District Military Command (Kodim) and the Padang Attorney General’s Office have seized a number of books alleged to contain communist ideas.
Freedom of Information & Press
Displaying 121-130 of 161 Articles
January 2019
Chaerul Umam, Jakarta – The 212 Reunion organising committee has held a “212 Award” for media and individuals that have consistently championed the 212’s patriotic spirit by reporting on their polite, orderly and peaceful events.
December 2018
Jakarta – The Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR) is questioning the legal grounds for the seizure of books about the banned Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) and communism in Kediri, East Java, on Wednesday December 26. The ICJR also criticised the involvement of the TNI (Indonesian military) in the raids.
Indonesia is becoming less and less safe for journalists despite the fact that they are protected under Law Number 40/1999 on the Press.
Arjuna Pademme – Over the last few years the online media in Papua has grown rapidly. In concert with this, online “ghost” media sites have also emerged which appear to present journalistic reports but it is unclear who is responsible, who the journalists are or what there address is.
Whisnu Mardiansyah, Jakarta – Presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto claims that the majority of journalists are publishing lies. He even claims that the media are lackeys of those who want to destroy the [Unitary State of the] Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
M Guruh Nuary, Jakarta – The 212 Reunion is over and proceeded in an orderly fashion. Presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto however has criticised the media over its coverage of the event at the National Monument (Monas) on December 2.
September 2017
Moh. Nadlir, Jakarta – Home Affairs Minister Tjahjo Kumolo says that the public and the younger generation needs to know about the history of the September 30 Movement/Indonesian Communist Party (G30S/PKI).
Syafiul Hadi, Jakarta – The director of commerce and operations at the state-owned State Film Production company (PFN) Elprisdat M. Zen says that calls for the film Crushing the G30S PKI to be shown again as it was during the New Order era is something good.
Muhammad Abdus Syakur – The discourse about or proposal that the film on the September 30 Movement-Indonesian Communist Party (G30S/PKI) rebellion be shown again and broadcast nationally on television each year has surfaced once again.