Ahmad Fauzan, Bandung (Kabar Kampus) – Opening a free library without prior authorisation in the vicinity of the Telkom University (Tel-U) parking area in Bandung, West Java, has it appears become a serious problem for the Tel-U rectorate. Never mind that leftist books deemed to endanger the Tel-U campus were discovered at the book stall.
Freedom of Information & Press
Displaying 131-140 of 161 Articles
March 2017
October 2015
Parliza Hendrawan, Palembang – The bad old practices of the New Order dictatorship of former President Suharto are still being applied in some government agencies in Indonesia.
Abdul Azis, Jakarta – The editor of the magazine Lentera (Beacon), Bima Satria Putra, says that the police have asked them to recall the October 10 issue of the magazine from circulation.
October 2014
Masrul Fajrin – The Papua Student Alliance (AMP) in the East Java provincial capital of Surabaya held a protest action in front of the Surabaya Grahadi building (governor’s office) demanding the immediate release of two French journalists who were arrested not long ago on charges of misusing their passports.
Agus Sigit, Yogya – The Papua Student Alliance (AMP) held an action at the zero kilometre point in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on the afternoon of Monday October 13. During the action, scores of students called for the release of the two French journalists being detained in West Papua.
May 2014
M Ardiansyah, Palembang – South Sumatran journalists held an action to commemorate May Day in Palembang city at the Fountain traffic circle on Thursday May 1.
Jakarta – The commemoration of Labour Day was also used by the Jakarta Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI). Along with other labour movement groups, the AJI took to the streets on Thursday May 1 carrying a giant replica of a shoe with the message “Journalist reject being the footstool of media owners!”.
May 2011
Hendra Saputram Banda Aceh – Commemorating International Labour Day, scores of mass media workers in the Acehnese provincial of Banda Aceh held a peaceful action condemning violence against journalists on Sunday.
June 2010
Jakarta – The law that serves as a basis for the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) to ban the circulation of books is no longer contextual or relevant under the current situation.
May 2010
Jakarta – Earlier this month on May 3, mass media workers throughout the world commemorated World Press Freedom Day. Three Indonesian journalist organisations however, in a joint statement last week, said that press freedom in Indonesia is to this day still under threat.