West Papua

April 2024

CNN Indonesia – April 10, 2024

Jakarta – Indonesian military (TNI) Commander General Agus Subiyanto says they have changed the nomenclature used to refer to Terrorist Separatist Groups (KST) in Papua to again become the Free Papua Organisation or OPM because this is th

Suara Papua – April 5, 2024

Jayapura – Peaceful demonstrations by the Meepago people in Nabire, the capital of Central Papua province, on the morning of Friday April 5, were forcibly broken up by officers from the Nabire district police. A number of protesters were reportedly injured, some of whom were rushed to Nabire regional pubic hospital.

Suara Papua – April 4, 2024

Reiner Brabar, Sorong – The group Anti-Militarism and Human Rights Care People's Solidarity in the Land of Papua held a free speech forum at Remu traffic lights intersection in Sorong City, Southwest Papua, on Thursday April 4.

Arah Juang – April 1, 2024

Sharon Muller – On Friday March 22, a video circulated of TNI (Indonesian military) soldiers torturing of a civilian in Papua. In the video, the victim is submerged in a drum filled with water with his hands tied behind his back. The victim was alternately beaten and kicked by the TNI members.

March 2024

Suara Papua – March 30, 2024

Jayapura – Papuan students in various cities around Indonesia along with humanitarian solidarity groups including the Indonesian People's Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) are demanding that the state be held accountable for cases of torture and violence against civilians by TNI (Indonesian military

CNN Indonesia – March 25, 2024

Jakarta – The commander of the Cenderawasih/XVII Regional Military Command (Kodam), Major General Izak Pangemanan, has revealed the chronology of the abuse committed by TNI (Indonesian military) soldiers against a member of an armed criminal group (KKB) in Central Papua.

Kompas.com – March 24, 2024

Diamanty Meiliana, Jakarta – The Humanitarian Coalition for Papua is urging the government to hold an investigation into the torture of a Papuan civilian by members of the TNI (Indonesian military) after a video of the incident went viral on social media.

CNN Indonesia – March 23, 2024

Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia is calling for an evaluation of the placement of TNI (Indonesian military) in Papua after a video of a Papuan man being tortured by several soldiers at the Gome Post in Puncak Regency, Central Papua, went viral on

Cepos Online – March 22, 2024

Gratianus Silas, Jayapura – Cenderawasih/XVII Regional Military Commander Major General Izak Pangemanan has spoken out about a video that has gone viral of a Papuan civilian being tortured by rogue TNI (Indonesian military) officers.

Suara Papua – March 14, 2024

Stevanus Yogi, Paniai – A Russian tourist and photographer named Shmatov Ivan Aleksandrovich was arrested by security forces in Earotali, East Paniai district, Paniai regency, Central Papua, on Monday March 11.

Kompas.com – March 4, 2024

Sabrina Asril, Jakarta – The Commission for Missing Persons and Victims of Violence (Kontras) is asking the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) to be serious in investigating the recent violence that has occurred in Papua.

February 2024

CNN Indonesia – February 5, 2024

Jakarta – The West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organisation (TPNPB-OPM) is asking Papuan rebel leader Egianus Kogoya to immediately release Susi Air pilot Captain Philip Mark Mehrtens, who is being held captive by the a

January 2024

Suara Papua – January 26, 2024

Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) has explicitly stated that it rejects the agenda of the Indonesian rulers in the territory of West Papua. Specifically the festival of democracy, namely the legislative and presidential elections, which will be held next month on February 14.

Suara Papua – January 17, 2024

Ardi Bayage, Jayapura – The public prosecutor (JPU) has demanded a two year prison sentence for West Papua National Committee (KNPB) General Chairperson Agus Kossey and an eight month sentence for Numbay regency KNPB Secretary Benny Murib less time already served in jail.

Suara Papua – January 9, 2024

Jayapura – West Papua National Liberation Army-Free Papua Organisation (TPNPB-OPM) spokesperson Sebby Sambom has expressed his gratitude to Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti who were found not

Suara Papua – January 9, 2024

Jayapura – The Papuan people and the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) in the Meepago area have welcomed the acquittal of Haris Azhar and Fatia Maulidiyanti who were found not guilty by the East Jakarta District Court on Monday January 8.

Suara Papua – January 7, 2024

Reiner Brabar, Jayapura – Papuan students in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta have issued a statement containing five demands in response to the ongoing trial in the East Jakarta District Court that has ensnared human rights defenders Fatia Maulidiyanti and Haris Azhar.

December 2023

Suara Papua – December 29, 2023

Jayapura – The West Papua National Committee (KNPB) has stated that it was not involved in the torching of shop houses, assaults and vandalism in Jayapura Regency and Jayapura City during the convoy accompanying the body of the late former Papua governor Lukas Enembe (LE) on Thursday Dece

Kompas.com – December 13, 2023

Sabrina Asril, Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia Executive Director Usman Hamid has criticised the response by presidential candidate number 2.

Kompas.com – December 12, 2023

Achmad Nasrudin Yahya, Jakarta – Presidential candidate number 2, Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) Chairperson and Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, says the conflict in Papua is complicated because of the separatist movement and foreign inter