West Papua

April 2018

BBC Indonesia – April 5, 2018

Jerome Wirawan – The case of the alleged abduction of 1,300 people in Mimika, West Papua last year is apparently not over yet. This week, as many as three people were shot dead by the TNI (Indonesian military) in an incident that the TNI claims was a shootout with an armed group.

CNN Indonesia – April 4, 2018

Prima Gumilang, Jakarta – As many as 44 members of the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) and several other organisations were arrested on Wednesday April 4 and are now being detained at the Jayapura municipal police headquarters (Mapolres).

March 2018

Tirto.id – March 29, 2018

Tony Firman – Calls for West Papuan self-determination were prominent during a demonstration in front of the offices of PT Freeport Indonesia in the Kuningan area of South Jakarta on Thursday March 29.

Tempo – March 28, 2018

Nur Hadi, Surabaya – Scores of police were deployed to secure a discussion and screening of the film The First Grader organised by the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) in Surabaya.

Kabar Papua – March 8, 2018

Qadri Prartiwi, Jayapura – Commemorating International Women’s Day (IWD), women activists and organisations in West Papua took to the streets in the Abepura area of Jayapura city and surrounds.

January 2018

Tirto.id – January 29, 2018

M. Ahsan Ridhoi – A working committee meeting on January 29 between the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission I, TNI (Indonesian military) chief Air Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto and Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has discussed the issue of Papuan independence.

KBR – January 3, 2018

Jakarta – Former political prisoner and Papuan pro-independent activist Filep Karma was intercepted by five Air Force officers upon arriving at the Soekarno-Hatta airport in Cengkarang.

December 2017

Detik News – December 19, 2017

Muhammad Aminudin, Malang – A demonstration by the Papua Student Alliance (AMP) in the East Java city of Malang ended in a clash with Pancasila Youth (PP) members who were offended by the protest.

Suara Papua – December 19, 2017

Bastian Tebai, Semarang – On Tuesday December 19, the Papua Student Alliance (AMP) and the Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) held simultaneous protest actions around the country against the Trikora declaration that was made on December 19, 1961, 56 years ago.

Kompas.com – December 18, 2017

Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – Papuan religious figure Pastor John Djonga says that President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s one price fuel policy in Papua has yet to run smoothly.

He says that the price of BBM (fuel) only goes down to Java prices when Widodo pays an impromptu visit to Papua. But soon after he leaves, the fuel prices shoot up again.

Tabloid JUBI – December 8, 2017

David Sobolim, Jayapura – Scores of students from Solidarity Against Forgetting the Student Shootings Case in Paniai Regency have held a march from the Waena hosing estate to the Imbi Park in Jayapura, West Papua.

KBR – December 1, 2017

Ramadhan, Winna Wijaya, Jakarta – On December 1 several groups held protest actions commemorating the declaration of West Papua’s independence and the anniversary of the Free Papua Movement (OPM).

CNN Indonesia – December 1, 2017

Dhio Faiz, Jakarta – A demonstration held in Jakarta this morning by hundreds of students and youths from the Papua Student Alliance (AMP) and the Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) has ended peacefully.

Warta Kota – December 1, 2017

Jakarta – Hundreds of people from the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP) and the Indonesian People’s Front for West Papua (FRI-WP) gathered on Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro in Central Jakarta on Friday December 1.

November 2017

CNN Indonesia – November 20, 2017

Rinaldy Sofwan, Jakarta – Philosopher and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor Noam Chomsky and a group of international academics are calling on the Indonesian government to withdraw all troops from West Papua following allegations of human rights violations against civilians by security forces in the province.

CNN Indonesia – November 14, 2017

Lalu Rahadian, Jakarta – Vertical and horizontal conflicts in Papua province will not be resolved until the Indonesian government provides the Papuan people with an opportunity to determine their future through an international forum.

Warta Plus – November 13, 2017

Jayapura – The Papua provincial government has explicitly refuted a statement by the Papua regional police chief that residents have been taken hostage by an Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in the villages of Banti and Kimbely near the PT Freeport Indonesia mine in Tembagapura district, Mimika regency.

KBR – November 13, 2017

Bambang Hari, Jakarta – An employee at the PT Freeport Indonesia gold-and-copper mine in West Papua, Aser Gobai has refuted information that a PT Freeport worker has been taken hostage by an armed civilian group.

Viva – November 12, 2017

Free Papua Organisation (OPM) spokesperson Sebby Sambon denies that his group has acted in a criminal manner by taking hundreds of local people hostage and raping them. According to Sebby, reports making such claims are just propaganda aimed at damaging the OPM’s struggle.

Tagar – November 9, 2017

Jayapura – Mimika District Police Chief Assistance Superintendent Victor Dean Mackbon has denied that residents of the Kimbely and Banti villages are being held hostage by an Armed Criminal Group (KKB).