West Papua

May 2012

Detik News – May 1, 2012

Chazizah Gusnita, Jakarta – May 1 is not just for celebrating International Labour Day. In Papua, people commemorated May as the day Papua was annexed into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). More than 1300 people took to the streets.

Viva News – May 1, 2012

Elin Yunita Kristanti, Banjir Ambarita (Papua) – Hundreds of Morning Star flags of various sizes were flown when thousands of Papuans held a protest action to demand national independence for Papua in Manokwari, West Papua, on Tuesday May 1.

April 2012

Kompas – April 19, 2012

Jakarta – Speaking in Jakarta on Wednesday April 18, Indonesian Military (TNI) headquarters information centre chief Rear Admiral Iskandar Sitompul said that intelligence personnel on duty in Papua do indeed have its own chain of command.

February 2012

Kompas – February 9, 2012

Jakarta – Problems related to Papua are Indonesia’s internal affair. The United State has never considered the Papua problem in its cooperative defense relationship.

December 2011

Viva News – December 1, 2011

Elin Yunita Kristanti and Luqman Rimadi – Around 80 people calling themselves the Jakarta-Bali Papuan Society and Students held a protest action in Central Jakarta today demanding that the United Nations (UNTEA, United Nations Temporary Executive Authority), the United States, Holland and Indonesia immediately recognise West Papuan independence

Tribune News – December 1, 2011

Edwin Firdaus, Jakarta – Hundreds of students originating from Papua held a protest action in front of the State Palace in Central Jakarta on Thursday December 1, again calling for Papuan independence.

Okezone – December 1, 2011

Prabowo, Yogyakarta – Students and people from Papua in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta commemorated 50 years of the Free Papua Organisation (OPM) in front of the Papua dormitory on Jl. Kusumanegara, Umbulharjo.

They called on the Indonesian government to acknowledge West Papua Independence day on December 1.

November 2011

Java Post – November 18, 2011

Manokwari – Shouts of “Papuan is independent” enlivened a peaceful protest action at the West Papua Provincial House of Representatives (DPRPB) on Thursday November 17.

Tempo Interactive – November 14, 2011

Jerry Omona, Papua – Thousands of Papuans demonstrated in the Papuan provincial capital of Jayapura today demanding that a referendum or an act of self-determination be held immediately.

The protesters held a long-march from Abepura city towards Imbi Park in Jayapura, a distance of around 10-13 kilometers.

Okezone – November 14, 2011

Nurlina Umasugi, Jayapura – Thousands of Papuans from the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) held a 15 kilometer march on Monday afternoon to demand a referendum for the Papuan people.

Detik News – November 14, 2011

Chazizah Gusnita, Jakarta – Thousands of Papuans from the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) demonstrated in front of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) building in the Papuan provincial capital of Jayapura today. The protesters demanded an end to violence in Papua.

October 2011

Detik.com – October 20, 2011

Hery Winarno, Jakarta – The House of Representatives (DPR) says it supports the firm actions taken by police in dealing with the Papuan People’s Congress, which they consider to be subversive and threaten the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

Tribunnews.com – October 10, 2011

Jakarta – The People’s Liberation Party (PPR) reports that a person was shot dead by security forces during a clash with thousands of PT Freeport Indonesia employees at the Gorong-Gorong bus terminal in Timika, West Papua, on the morning of Monday October 10.

September 2011

Joint Statement – September 28, 2011

We fully support the strike by PT Freeport Indonesia workers for better wages and conditions. The government must guarantee legal protection to the workers and protect them against intimidation and threats while they are on strike and conducting negotiations with the company in accordance with Law Number 13/2003 on Labour.

Kompas – September 5, 2011

Jakarta – Jayapura district police have been accused of torturing 15 witnesses who were initially suspected of being members of the Free Papua Movement (OPM) in a violence related case in Abepura.

August 2011

Kompas – August 9, 2011

Jakarta – The government is being urged to prioritize dialogue over a militaristic approach in resolving the Papua problem. It is precisely this militaristic approach that is provoking continued violence. Because of this therefore, violations of civilian human rights must stop.

Max Lane Online – August 4, 2011

[The following essay by Surya Anta was written in response to a series of questions, I emailed him yesterday, August 4, 2011 - Max Lane]

‘I am here to give solidarity, not as a provocateur’

PPR – August 3, 2011

Surya Anta, a leading member of People’s Liberation Party (formerly KPRM-PRD), was arrested by the Metro Jaya regional police in Jakarta at 12noon on August 1.

Liputan 6 – August 3, 2011

Manokwari – Residents of Manokwari, West Papua, held a protest on Tuesday August 2 by marching through the city’s major streets.

Java Post – August 3, 2011

Manokwari – Thousands of Papuan civilians in Manokwari, West Papua, took to the streets on Tuesday August 2 to demand a referendum. The participants at the action are convinced that a referendum is the middle road to resolve the political status of West Papua.